Shiina x female! Reader (part one)

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Requested by Fans_in_the_dark15

"Still a newbie, eh?" A deep, mysterious voice says from behind me, "or at least.. being treated like one?"
"Heh, yep.." i reply back, looking around but no one is in sights.
Then someone appears from out of the shadows, she looks gorgeous, graceful but she still has her guard up.. shes everything i want and more!
"They're so stupid. I only joined the 'not dead yet' battlefront because we got to fight." She stated, holding a broom with the tip of her finger, its perfectly still.
"Heh, yep.." i got so nervous around her, my face turned red.
"Are you okay?" She asks.
"Oh.. allergies! Yeah.. allergies..." I chuckle nervously, praying that she doesnt know that im just secretly extremely red, like a ripe tomato in summer.
"Doesn't look like it.." she says, observing my rose cheeks, she pokes them and smiles a little.
"Hey, Y/N, right?" She asks, looking at me.
"Oh yeah.. thats my name heheh" i laugh nervously... what is she going to say?!?
"We'd make a pretty good.. duo, you know?"
"R-really?!?" I stutter like theres no tomorrow,
"Well, yeah.. we should hang out more often!" She states, "see you around Y/N!" She hugs me and then walks off.
I've never been so happy.
This. This is what it feels like to be happy.

"I think I'm in love." I whisper to myself, and go back to headquarters.

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