Sinon x male! Reader (one-shot)

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As requested by JohnnyChhun


It wasnt my first day in GGO. Ive played a few times before, but i never got into it. This time i promise myself i wont slack off and actually get into the game.

"You look lost. Are you new here?" A female voice calls from the distance. I wouldnt expect a girl to play such a violent game... i guess some girls are hardcore gamers too.
"Eh. Not really.. i just need to know where i can purchase some armour and perhaps a better gun?" I say, hoping she would know where to go. She looks like she could be one of them top players that have the best guns and stuff.
"Ill show you.. but for a newbie you probably wont have enough for anything decent... heres 200k." She transfers the money to my account.
"Yeah just totally ignore the fact that i have stated that i am not a newbie." I mumble to myself.
"What?" She asks, making it perfectly clear she heard me but is giving me a chance to redeem myself, i take the chance,
"I said thank you.. uh.. what is your name?"
"Its Sinon." She replies, looking into the abyss,
"We must go over there, thats where you buy new guns and gear."

I follow her to a store filled with guns and.. wait.. is that a sword in a gun game?!? I NEED IT!

"Hey, whats this sword thingy magigy?" I ask, admiring the fine specimen.
"That? Nobody ever uses it.. i mean, you have to get close to your opponent if you want to use it on them and you wont be able to get anywhere near them, considering they have a gun." She says, stroking an AK-47.
"What if their gun isnt fast enough?" I ask, trying to get a glimpse of her face.
"Hm? Oh.. well assuming you're gonna be going against someone, they will always have backup guns. Ive never opposed anyone without them."
"I see.. how much is this?" I ask, pointing to the sniper-rifle.
"Its around 150k. But.. you dont even know what type of gun you are better with.."
"Type of gun?" I ask.
"In GGO there's two types of guns:
Optical guns - firing light-based ammunition, they are used primarily to hunt mobs. Their advantages include being lighter, having longer effective range and precision as well as smaller magazine size than live ammunition guns do. However, defensive equipment can be used to disperse the damage of optical weapons, making them ineffective against players
And then theres Live-ammunition guns - meant for player to player battles as they are capable of ignoring most counters meant for optical weapons. The bullets of such weapons can pass through defense fields and are able to deal higher damage per hit as compared to optical weapons. However the disadvantages include having to carry extra heavy bullet magazines around and the fact that live bullet trajectory is affected by wind and humidity." She states, "I mean, i wouldnt expect you to be able to carry such heavy ammo and weapons"
"Oh cmon, i played SAO, we have to carry heavy swords there. Im sure ill be fine.. ill have a live-ammunition gun, and ill have this beauty right here." I say, pointing to the sniper-rifle i had my hands on the entire time.
"Go ahead then." She says
I click Purchase. And the gun is mine.

- time skip -

"So.. you played sword art online before this game then? Played any other games or..?" She asks, looking into my eyes as the sun goes down.
"Oh yeah, i played ALO" i say, whilst sighing, infatuated by her beauty.
"Whats with the sigh, mr swordsman?" She asks smirking and playfully punching my arm, even if its just a little too hard. I dont really mind.
I smile and whisper "i dont think ill be able to stop looking at you.. and like what if i get hunted down whilst staring at you??"
"Then stop staring at me wise guy!" She giggles.
She seemed like a tomboy but that giggle seems to defy those thoughts.
I know a way i can make you stop thinking about my face..
fireworks banged in the sky.
She pulled my face close.
She kissed my lips. Passionately.
The sun was finally down.
And the butterflies in my stomach wouldnt stop fluttering.

See you next level.

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