four days for love

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I step onto the stage, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline when I hear the audience roar. It feels incredible, and it makes every minute spent training my voice and practicing until my throat hurts completely worth it.

I reach the microphone, a giant smile plastered onto my face.

"What's up LA?" I say, and the audience explodes with screams. I laugh.

I scan the crowd, trying to spot cool signs or familiar faces. When I reach the front row, my heart stops when I see her small face watching me with big, intrigued eyes. Claudia. My heart soars when I realize she'll be able to hear me sing. It's been so long.

I'm already losing my mind. I forget that I'm in front of a crowd and that I can't just stand on the stage watching her reaction.

Music begins playing and I get lost in thought as I sing along. I can't help but look over to see her every few seconds to see if she's still there. At last, I know it's time for Never Be Alone.

Her eyes widen with shock when she hears the song playing, but a small smile appears on her lips and her cheeks flush. I feel happiness pulse through my veins as her smile widens.

I sing it for her. I imagine that it's just us, sitting on the benches in the garden as the wind blows through her hair and my fingers numbly strum my old guitar.

I'm going to have to leave her again, and that's what hurts the most. After the show, I have four days in California until I'm supposed to go back home to Canada.

Before the show, Claudia and I talked for a while. She said she was sorry, she was just shocked to see me. And she told me she missed me a lot. She seemed to avoid any questions about her new home and life. She focused on me and begged to hear every detail about my life.

I miss home. I have made so many new friends and genuine people, it's amazing. My family and I moved into a nicer house in Pickering and my mom is home and healthy. Everything is okay in the world, it seems, except for the fact I only have only four more days with Claudia.

I'll make the days count. I silently promise her that while singing the last lyric of Never Be Alone.


hey guys! sorry I haven't updated in a while. thank you for the nice comments:) I'm so glad I'm getting a little feedback for this story! please, if you enjoy, share this story! it really makes me happy and makes it worth all of the time I've spent writing these chapters. love you all 🙃💓

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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