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Okay! Basically I will be taking OC'S from now on for future chapters. I need at least 4-5 OC'S for prisoners/wardens/ether for Part 11. Here's what I need.

Appearance (Not clothes like their face and stuff)
Hybrid (If hybrid. Like angel, wolf, cat, etc.)
Powers (If any)
Crush (Not Jess/Cory/Shelby)
Personality (At least 25 words)
And a few random stuff.

I'm really excited to do this also there are two people who are not allowed to enter certain OC'S. Those being.
@SwagDragonDante  (You can not enter yourself as an OC)
@GamerWolfie (You can not enter Wolfie as an OC)

Both users are allowed to enter different OC'S Just not the ones mentioned. Because they're charcters were introduced in Part 10 and will reappear.

You are free to enter as many OC'S as you wish! Hope to see some soon! Remember, I believe in you!

(Note. The names Sam, Dean and Cas are not allowed. *Cough Supernatural Cough*)

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