Request: Meeting Seventeen on a Plane

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'Hey it's my birthday can I have a long imagine! keep me anon please can you do me an imagine where you're travelling to Seoul with a friend and meet the guys on the plane and you all end up talking and you catch Jeonghans eye and stuff thanks :)'

You and your best friend were embarking on the journey of a life time! You were both off to Seoul for a year to teach English, and today was the day you left for your adventure and you were vlogging everything you could! The pair of you found your seats on the plane and got out your phone. 'London to Seoul here we gooooo! Our new life begins here!' Your friend hollered at the camera. You sat beside her smiling 'I can't wait! I've always wanted to go to Seoul this is my dream come to true!' You spoke. 'See you on the other side!' Your friend said and she put her camera away. You both looked at each other and held each other's hands. 'I can't believe we're actually doing this! Together!' You said, your friend was grinning from ear to ear, 'I am so bloody proud of us, living our dream together!' She said. You looked up and noticed there was a group of boys standing up near you, a few of them appeared to be looking at you two. 'Oh are we being loud? Sorry sorry!' You said to one of them. He just smiled and nodded his head at you. You two settle down and your 11 hour flight began.

'Hey excuse me?' You lifted your head and looked to your left and saw the boy from earlier, 'hey earlier I think I heard you say you'd never been to Seoul before?' He questioned. You titled your head slightly 'erm yeah, we're moving there for a year.' You said to him. He smiled, 'that's cool, I'm from the United States but we moved to Korea when I was really young. Why are you guys moving to Korea?' He questioned. You didn't care that you didn't know this male, he was very pretty and your friend was asleep so you wanted someone to talk to anyway. 'Oh we're going to teach English for some company our university connected us with... I can't even remember the name but I know it's in the Gangnam district.' The male leaned further over and rested his chin in his hand. 'Wow we live in Gangnam! But that's amazing but I bet it'll be difficult to teach English when you don't speak Korean. Oh I'm Joshua by the way!' He chirped. 'Well Joshua, I'm Y/N and I actually do speak Korean!' His smiling expression changed to one of shock. 'No way did you teach yourself?!' 'Yeah it took about a year but it was fun I guess...' you replied. 'Hey did you just say you taught yourself to speak Korean?!' Another voice said, the male sitting in front of you turned round to look at you. 'I'm Jun by the way.' He said. 'Hi Jun, I'm Y/N. and I did just say I taught myself Korean...' you laughed. 'That's so cool!' Jun replied. Another boy in front of you turned round to face your group conversation. 'She probably speaks better Korean than me...' he said, 'I'm Vernon' he added giving you a little wave. 'Random question but are you guys on like some kind of boys only holiday? There's like 50 of travelling together!' Your friend chipped in. She was rubbing her eyes as she woke up, 'by the way, I'm Jane!' She said, 'but seriously there's hundreds of you...' she joked.

The three boys laughed at her questions and smiled. 'Can you keep a secret for the duration of this flight?' Jun asked. 'She definitely cannot keep a secret!' you said laughing and Jane stuck her tongue out at you. 'Well anyway the secret is, that we're actually a Korean boy band...' Jun spoke, then something in your head clicked. 'Oh my god you're seventeen!' You choked out, the boys expressions changed, 'what you know who we are?' Joshua asked. 'Yes of course, I recognised the names and it just clicked there and that's why there's so many of you!' You laughed. Jane's eyes widened 'wait I know who they are! You have that ones face on a T-Shirt!' You felt your cheeks flushing red 'Jane!' You snapped. She realised what she had said and started to laugh 'whoops that's embarrassing!' She said. You rolled your eyes and covered your face. 'Come on who's face is on your t-shirt?!' Vernon asked laughing at your embarrassment. 'I bet it's Joshua! Everyone loves him!' Jun added. 'Yeah who's face is it?' Joshua asked smirking at you. You sat back in your seat and folded your arms, 'well it's definitely not one of you three!'

'Hey what's going on back here so much noise and laughing!?' A new voice said. You shot your friend a 'keep quiet' look as he stood over the 5 of you. 'We're just having some fun Jeonghan, this is Jane & Y/N!' Joshua said. 'Helloooo!' He replied sitting down in the empty seat Infront of Joshua. Jun had noticed you fall silent when Jeonghan came over. 'I know who it is!' Jun shouted pointing a finger at you, you swatted it away 'shut up no you don't!' 'Oh oh I know who it is too!' Vernon said wriggling his eyebrows at you. You pulled your hood down over your face 'good night!' You said, and you felt it immediately pulled back down. 'I know who it is don't i? I'm right aren't I?' Jun teased. Just then Joshua realised too, 'I know!' 'Oh my god stop!' You said covering your face with your hands. Jane was sitting laughing beside you and she nodded her head at them all. Jeonghan leaned forward, 'what are you three doing to that poor girl leave her alone,' he said shaking his head. 'We're just playing around man' Vernon said back to him. 'You're making her uncomfortable though leave her,' He replied looking at you still covering your face. 'I'm much nicer than these 3!' He called over to you, you couldn't even look at him so just gave a thumbs up. 'It's Jeonghan!' Jun blurred out laughing, you kicked the back of his chair, 'JUN!' You hissed. 'What?' Jeonghan said leaning closer. 'She's got your face on a t-shirt because she loves you!' Jane giggled beside you. 'I hate you all...' you grumbled, Jeonghan just sat back and laughed 'I'll take it as a compliment...'

Later into the flight Jeonghan made Joshua swap seats and everyone was starting to fall asleep. You shuffled around in your seat trying to get comfortable, 'hey are you awake?' You lifted your head and looked over the dark cabin to see Jeonghan smiling at you. 'So what was that all about earlier on then?' He asked. You let out a breath, 'they were just asking why we were going to Korea... and then I realised who you all were and this friend of mine told them that I had a t-shirt with one of your faces on, and they were trying to guess who's face it was...' he laughed a little 'and it's my face right?' 'Right...' you replied uncomfortably. 'Hey when we get to Seoul would you maybe like us to show you both around? I mean we don't get much free time but I'd still like to,' You smiled at his kind offer. 'Thank for the offer but I think we have to start working pretty much straight away so I don't know,' Jeonghan leaned back into his seat and sighed 'well if you change your mind you'll find us here...' he handed you a card with an address in Gangnam wrote on it. 'Thanks...' you replied.

When you finally arrived in Seoul you parted ways with Seventeen and got settled in at your new apartment. 'Janey?' You called standing by your door. 'We need to go!' Jane came toddling towards you in her heels. She pulled her pencil skirt down and straightened the collar on her dress shirt. 'I hate being dressed so officially...' she grumbled. You looked down at your own cropped navy pants and white collared shirt. You then smoothed your hair down and opened the door. 'Well, it's our first day teaching these people English and we need to make a good impression!' Jane smiled, 'well since we're teachers we may as well look the part! You made your way to address your university gave to you where you would be teaching English. You pressed the buzzer on the door and someone opened it, 'hey are you here for the English lessons?' The man said, 'yeah nice to meet you I'm Jane and this is Y/N.' she replied. You both walked up the stairs inside the building your heels clicking along the floor. 'Just in here ladies,' the man you were following said and pushed the door open. 'No way...' you said staring around at the room full of boys. 'Unbelievable!' Jane said. 'Oh hi you must be our English teachers, I'm Joshua.' You rolled your eyes 'oh come on! You don't recognise us?!' 'Y/N?' Jeonghan said approaching you with a smile on his face. 'No way we meet again ladies!' Jun laughed. 'So you're my new English teacher...' Jeonghan said, who was now standing beside you. 'As if... as if we're actually giving Seventeen English lessons!' Jane said. 'I'm going to wake up from this dream in a minute...' she said. You laughed, but this definitely wasn't a dream! You we're going to be teaching Seventeen to speak English for the next year...

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