Request: Seventeen in England (Jeonghan)

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'Hello fello Jeonghan trash! I'm English so could you please give me an imagine where the boys come to England and you're like their tour guide and look after them and stuff and Jeonghan falls for you? My name is Abbey by the way thanks x

'Hey I'm Abbey, welcome to London!' You said greeting the group of males that had just came out of Heathrows arrivals hall. 'Hi!' They all said. 'So basically i'm going to take you straight to the apartment you'll be staying in now and then I'm going to be showing your around, and I'm going to make you feel really British by giving you loads of tea and scones and wrapping you all up in Union Jacks!' You joked with a smile on your face. 'Awesome!' Joshua said as he lead the way following you out of the airport. 'They gave me this huge arse van to drive you all around in,' you said pointing to the blacked out van outside by the exit. They all climbed In and you took them to their gleaming London apartment that had a gorgeous view of the river Thames. 'Aren't you cold?' Jeonghan asked noticing you were only wearing a short sleeved top. 'This is actually pretty warm for us here...' you replied laughing at them all standing in their hoodies.

The afternoon passed and you let them all settle into the apartment and relax. 'So what do you guys want for dinner?' You asked crossing your legs. 'Chicken wings!' One of them yelled. 'No way! We're in England we have to eat English food!' Vernon said rolling his eyes. 'We don't know what kind of food do you actually eat?' Joshua asked you. 'Do you have roast dinners in Korea?' You questioned and they all looked at you blankly. 'Wait like the meat and vegetables and those dumpling things?' Dino asked. 'Yeah?' You replied. 'No we don't eat that, we just see it on TV...' he added. 'Wonderful then that's what I'll make!' You went straight to kitchen to begin making your traditional roast dinner. 'Hey, would you like some help?' You turned round and saw Jeonghan leaning against the kitchen counters. 'Erm sure,' you felt kind of weird around Jeonghan. You definitely had a little crush on him so you couldn't really look in his eyes. You were busy day dreaming about him when your hand slipped and you cut the end of your finger on the vegetable peeler. 'Ouch...' you mumbled and began looking for a plaster. 'Are you alright?' Jeonghan asked noting the blood starting to drip off  your finger. 'I'm fine I'm always cutting myself don't worry!' You replied. 'Come here a sec,' he said getting hold of your hand and carefully wrapping it up. 'See I'm helpful...' he said pulling a silly face. You two continued to sort out the dinner for next hour or so. 'What are you doing? What are those?' He said crouching down beside you. You were sat on the floor infront of the oven door staring inside. 'They're called Yorkshire puddings and you have to watch them really carefully because they get ruined really quickly.' He sat down properly beside you and shuffled closer. You felt you cheeks turning pink as his knee rested against yours. 'So what are we waiting for?' he asked peering further into the oven. 'They need to be a golden colour, no paler and no darker.' When they were finally done you placed them on the counter and Jeonghan stood staring at them. 'They look weird...' he prodded at one of them, 'spongy...' he said quietly. You giggled watching him, and he turned around and smiled. 'You eat weird stuff!' He said. 'So do you... I know you brought Kimchi in your suitcases I saw it!' He laughed. 'Shut up and give me my Yorkshire spongy things!' You plated up the meals and set them down on the table. 'You're an awesome chef!' Vernon said as you started to clear away the plates. 'England is awesome!' He added. 'Thanks,' you replied quietly. 'Ahem! She couldn't have done any of this without her fabulous assistant!' Jeonghan stated pulling a smug face. 'Yeah Jeonghan was an amazing help, I've never seen anyone peel a carrot the way he does!' You joked making everyone laugh.

'So what are we going tomorrow?' Woozi asked helping you clear away the plates. 'I thought I'd take you on one of the river cruises, it goes right down the river Thames and you get off by the London eye so we could go on that after, and then I'm taking you to afternoon tea in Harrods' 'that is the most British sounding day ever!' Coups laughed. 'Can we wear Union Jack hats?!' Joshua joked. You shrugged your shoulders, 'go for it!'

You carried the plates into the kitchen and Jeonghan followed behind you. 'I know this is completely random...' he spoke, your turned around not even knowing he was there. 'But tomorrow before we do all that stuff, maybe we could go out for breakfast?' You nodded your head, 'sure you can all try English breakfasts,' you replied. He pulled a face at you making you confused, 'no I mean, just me and you...' he said quietly. 'What?' You were puzzled. Is he asking me out? 'Are you asking me out Jeonghan?' You said with an eyebrow raised. He smiled at you, 'I dunno, maybe...'

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