Request: Jeonghan, You & a Child

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Hello hello my names Ellie can you do a scene where you're looking after a child and you bump into Jeonghan in a supermarket? Make it kinda fluffy please'

'Can you please settle down...' you said to the three year old girl hanging off your own. 'But I'm bored and I want a chocolate bunny!' She stropped. 'Please Anna just behave while we're in here!' You replied. She scrunched up her nose and stuck out her tongue. 'I want a chocolate bunny!' She repeated louder than before causing people to turn and look at you in the middle of the supermarket. You ignored her request and reached up for some rice off the top shelf in the supermarket. You turned back round and Anna was gone. 'Come and get me!' You heard her say from around the corner. You chased after her with your shopping cart. 'Anna don't even think about it...' you said turning the corner behind her and she tried to run away. Then you heard a crash...

You turned the corner and there she was, she had fallen over at the feet of an attractive young man. You found yourself staring at him for a few moment, 'Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going...' he spoke. You scooped Anna up in your arms, 'no it's her own fault, I'm sick of telling her about running around in here...' Anna was sitting rubbing her head. 'Ow!' She cried out. The man looked at her sympathetically and softly rubbed her head. 'Sorry did you hurt yourself?' He asked and she nodded her head. He looked really good with children it made your heart flutter a bit. You sat her down inside the shopping cart so she couldn't escape again. 'Well thanks for stopping her rampage!' You smiled to the man, 'no problem... hey she's really cute by the way, like her mother!' He said smiling at Anna. 'Oh, oh she's not mine, she's my sisters daughter, and I actually think she's the naughtiest child I've ever came across in my life!' You joked. Anna stomped her feet from inside the trolley, 'I want a...' 'I know Anna, a chocolate bunny!' You replied cutting her off. The man reached into his coat pocket. 'Well would you look at that, a chocolate bunny!' He said producing one from his pocket, Anna smiled and reached out her hands for it. 'Thank youuuuuu! You're much nicer than Ellie!' She cooed stuffing it into her mouth. You rolled your eyes, 'yeah of course anyone that has chocolate is your favourite person aren't they?' Anna smiled and nodded her head. 'You're my favourite!' She laughed pointing at the man. 'Well Anna, my name is Jeonghan and I'm honoured to be your favourite!' just then two more men approached you three. 'Found yourself a family have you?' One of them asked. Jeonghan rolled his eyes and replied, 'no she bumped into me and fell over so I'm being nice...' 'Who are you!' Anna shouted loudly pointing at the two new men. 'I'm Joshua and this is Coups.' The second one replied. 'Got any chocolate?' She asked seriously, you felt your cheeks blushing with embarrassment. 'Anna don't be so rude! Sorry...' you said, 'anyway thank you again for stopping her rampage...' You began to walk away, 'wait! Here's something for the road...' Jeonghan said following you, he handed you another chocolate bunny and a piece of paper. You put them in your bag and when you got home you gave Anna the bunny and read the piece of paper. It had his number on it. 'Nice job Anna you got me a date!' You laughed high fiving her. 'So does that mean I can have another chocolate bunny.......'

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