Chapter 31: Mine and Tenkari's Secret Powers Revealed

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It took me about a day to get to Totosai's cave. It was just as annoying to get to as I remembered. "Master Totosai?" I called once I reached his home. "Come in, Kaya. I was wondering when you were coming." Master Totosai replied from his place on the floor of the cave. "So, you knew I was coming?" I questioned. "I figured you would eventually. I guess you are wondering about your affinity for hiding the Sacred Jewel Shards." He stated. "How did you- " I paused feeling something bite my cheek. I smacked it and watched as Myoga fell into my open hand. "I'm assuming Myoga told you?" "Yes, I did. I'm so glad you've returned Lady Kaya!" Myoga exclaimed. "Thank you, Myoga. Now can one of you please explain the whole 'hiding the Shikon Jewel' thing?" I asked. "Of course," Myoga said this as he jumped from my hand to Master Totosai's shoulder. I sat down in front of Master Totosai and watched the two carefully. "Well, it's quite a long story." Myoga started. "Your mother, as you know, protected the Sacred Shikon Jewel. Although, she could not keep it hidden from the demons that wanted to possess it." "I know that much Myoga," I said. Myoga continued. "Well, your father wanted to help her protect it. Of course, him being a demon he couldn't actually possess it. Knowing that you were normally by your mother's side, he had a demon sorceress put a charm on you to help protect you both." "A lot of good that did. Word travels fast in the demon world. Besides, why me? Why not just directly give the charm to mother?" I inquired, still slightly confused. "The charm had to be placed on an object that had no demonic power connected to it. Your necklace was his only option." Totosai explained. "So, say I was to possess the entire Sacred Jewel. Could I potentially keep it hidden from someone who wanted to use it for personal gain?" I inquired. "I suppose you could, but as you mentioned before it wouldn't last very long," Myoga noted. "That's all I needed to know. Thank you for your help." I stood up to leave, but Totosai's voice stopped me. "I thought you had also come about why your sword has been giving you trouble."

That got my immediate attention, Tenkari had been shaking or pulsing for days now, but I didn't think it was a big deal. Plus, I had been using it a lot more in battle lately, so I really couldn't bring it this far. "What do you know about Tenkari?" I asked as I sat back down. "It, like InuYasha's sword, Tetsusaiga, has special abilities." Master Totosai explained. "Okay, and? That doesn't tell me what I need to know." I stated. "Your sword was trying to get you to use its first technique." He continued, "Your Father had the Tenkari modeled after the Tetsusaiga. He carried it into many battles." "I know, he told me the stories of the epic battles he had fought and how he even fought side by side with the Lord of the West. Tenkari was the sword he used to help fend off the Panther Demon Tribe after the death of the Great Dog General." I explained, recalling his many stories. "Indeed. You know more than I figured, although you were lucky enough to have your Father's guidance." Totosai stated. "Thank you, Master Totosai. I know you won't tell me the technique until after I find it on my own, so I'll probably be back. I said while standing up. "Good luck, Kaya." He said. With that, I headed out of his cave to figure out Tenkari's new technique.

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