Chapter 112: The Evil Within the Sacred Jewel

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When we arrived at the village, our group split up for a little bit. InuYasha, Kagome, and I stayed together and headed for Lady Kaede's hut while the others went I don't know where. Kagome was washing her uniform while InuYasha told Lady Kaede about Kikyo's death. A subject I wasn't too excited to talk about. Especially since Lady Kikyo's work was fully on Kagome's shoulders now. Kagome believed it had been Lady Kikyo that had sealed her true spiritual powers. Lady Kaede didn't believe that and neither did I, instead she believed it was the work of the evil part of Shikon Jewel. At least she had an idea for another answer because I never would have thought of that. I had never seen the Jewel itself as good or evil, but a reflection of the possessor's heart. Not long after their conversation, we left to go check on Kagome. Miroku, Sango, and Shippo had joined her by this time. I was glad to see she wasn't alone. Our group talked for a little while before Kagome got up to go change back into her uniform. Shortly after she left, I felt a huge wave of evil wash over the area. I then caught Naraku's scent dangerously close, so when the others returned we took off after it.

Soon, we found the origin of the scent, but this time I noticed the scent and aura were different. Not in the way that Kagura or Kanna's had been, instead Naraku's scent was more residual than anything. This being was fighting Sesshomaru and had somehow gotten ahold of Kohaku and defiled his Jewel Shard. InuYasha attacked, cutting off the demon's arm and taking it by surprise. Kagome, Sango, and I ran to Kohaku while InuYasha distracted the demon. Kagome had begun trying to purify Kohaku's shard so he could regain consciousness. As Kagome was doing this, the demon looked over at our group and made eye contact with Kagome causing her to collapse. That was when I understood who this demon was and why he didn't have the same scent as Naraku. I stood up, putting myself between the humans and this demon. I was watching the demon, so focused I missed what was said between InuYasha, Sesshomaru and Jaken until Sesshomaru had transformed into his true demon form. He was much more impressive than Takahiro could ever hope to be. In one fail swoop, Sesshomaru tore the demon's head clean off with his teeth. When he did this though, the demon's body began emitting a strong miasma, so InuYasha had the others take to the sky. The demon tried to grab them, but InuYasha and I slashed through his tentacles. He then began taunting us from inside Sesshomaru's mouth, just before releasing various tentacles from his body, entangling Sesshomaru in them. As the miasma cleared, InuYasha asked who the demon was and this time he answered. That was when I knew my conclusion was right. This demon was Magatsuhi, the evil half of the Shikon Jewel.

Magatsuhi had begun wrapping more tentacles around Sesshomaru in an attempt to devour him and his demonic power. InuYasha and I couldn't attack without it hitting Sesshomaru too. It wasn't long before Magatsuhi had completely surrounded Sesshomaru. However, when this happened a red glow began and Sesshomaru emerged from the tangle of tentacles in his human-like form. When Sesshomaru landed on the ground next to us, InuYasha said to let him handle it but of course, Sesshomaru wasn't going to let that happen. InuYasha had to save him again and decided to get things over with quickly by using Meido Zangetsuha, but Magatsuhi had anticipated the attack. He separated into various parts instead of a full figure. Without a direct hit, InuYasha wouldn't be able to use Meido Zangetsuha. Without warning, Sesshomaru asked us to follow him and he began attacking Magatsuhi's various parts. It took me longer than it should have to see what he was doing; he was trying to gather all the parts into one place. Once we were safe from the range of the meido, he told us to defend ourselves before jumping into the air after Magatsuhi. When he was halfway there, he drew Tenseiga and attacked just to the right of Magatsuhi. A huge ghostly face appeared that had the different scent and aura I had felt earlier. This had to be Magatsuhi's true form.

I figured Sesshomaru for everything except completely stupid. After he attacked the true form of Magatsuhi with Tenseiga, he began attacking the flesh part of him as well. He was attacking with pure rage, which was unusual for Sesshomaru. A second later, Magatsuhi pierced Sesshomaru's chest and surrounded his with tentacles once again. InuYasha took Kirara and jumped onto the mass of tentacles trying to cut through them to get to Sesshomaru. It wasn't long before InuYasha had become entangled as well, so I fired an arrow at the tentacles holding InuYasha. Unfortunately, it didn't stop them long, so I fired again and got the same result. After I had fired probably my fourth arrow, a blue light began glowing from inside the mass of tentacles. Suddenly, Sesshomaru emerged and where his left arm used to be was glowing a fiery blue-green. When I caught Master Totosai's scent I looked up and so did everyone else. Magatsuhi tried to go after either Totosai or Sesshomaru but either way, Sesshomaru stopped him causing the demon to explode. There, right before our very eyes, Sesshomaru's arm had returned and in his hand, a sword had appeared. Master Totosai had called it Bakusaiga, a sword that was Sesshomaru's and Sesshomaru's alone. Magatsuhi continued to taunt Sesshomaru, but not for long. With one swing of his sword, Sesshomaru destroyed Magatsuhi's head, but that gave his true form a chance to escape. The battle was over, for now.

Master Totosai began explaining about Bakusaiga to Sesshomaru while InuYasha and I checked on Kagome. She had been out since the beginning of the battle and it made me wonder what Magatsuhi had done to her. I only half-listened to Master Totosai, but I understood what was going on. Sesshomaru had finally let go of his want to possess and wield Tetsusaiga causing Bakusaiga to appear. Master Totosai also explained that his gaining his sword meant he had surpassed his father, which didn't surprise me. He's a strong demon, even by demon standards. It was only a matter of time before that happened. I heard a noise and looked over at Kagome. Her eyes began to flutter open, much to mine and InuYasha's relief. InuYasha asked Kagome if she was okay and she said she was, but I didn't quite buy that. She looked so fragile. Whatever Magatsuhi had done was worse than before, even if no one else had realized that yet.

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