Chapter 1 -どうやって (Do yatte) - How

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That's all that had been coming out of his mouth since his meeting with the Devil of Food, Nakiri Senzaemon. How was he going to convince his fellow countries? Japan tried not to show his emotions on his face, but he was having a hard time coping with the challenge. Today he had asked Germany to reserve a time period for him to discuss this. He had a few people he wanted to ask to join him, but he respected that they had countries to run. He didn't want to pressure anyone to do it, but if no one helped hum out, how was he supposed to run the challenge? If Nakiri-san had already started with preparations, it would be incredibly rude to back ou-

"DUDE!!! JAPAN!!! WAIT UP!!!" A highly cheerful voice rang out from down the hall, citing off his worrying train of thought. Japan heard the thudding of footsteps and turned around only to see a large brown fabric glomp him.

"A-Ah!" Japan instinctively pushed the glomper away. "America-san! Prease stop-"

"Bloody hell, Alfred. Stop bothering Kiku so much. I certainly didn't raise you this way," a posh English voice spoke. Kiku looked past Alfred, or America, and saw his old ally, Arthur Kirkland, or the personification of England.

"Ah, ohayo (good morning), England-san." He turned to Alfred. "Ohayo, America-san."

"And a Kansas to you too, bro," the American representative spoke.

A tick mark appeared on England's forehead, just above those bushy eyebrows. "No, Alfred. He's saying 'ohayo' which is Japanese for good-"

"Yeah yeah, I know," the American waved off dismissively. He returned his attention to Kiku. "DUDE DUDE I WANTED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING!!!" The hyperactive American suddenly changed his volume back to the loud, obnoxious noise he usually sported. Kiku involuntarily flinched, even after so many years of hearing him yell.

"STOP YELLING SO LOUDLY, YOU'RE SCARING HIM!!!" Arthur blew his fuse. The two countries started bickering, switching from topic to topic. Japan just stood there, looking between them, then stealthily got his camera out and took some photos of the two. Elizabeta would truly appreciate this (Elizabeta is Hungary, FYI).

The two bickering countries slowed their argument and started off to the meeting room. Japan sighed for what seemed the billionth time and pocketed his camera. He strolled into the room after the two, seemingly later than usual because Hungary-san was already there.

Japan casually strode towards his spot a few seats away from Hungary, casually giving the camera to her. She looked at him questioningly and he just smiled in returned. Most people thought it was a simple friendship smile and nothing more, but if you looked deep into Kiku's eyes, you knew there was something very out of place in them - his inner otaku. Elizabeta Hedervary was one of the only people who could understand when he was giving her valuable shipping information. She smiled back and stored her camera in her purse pocket reserved for the shipping information.

Japan made his way to his seat next to a trigger-happy Swiss, waiting for the meeting to start.

Hello, Author-chan here.
Seeing as I'm still in school, I will ATTEMPT, but not promise, a weekly update, usually Tuesday or Wednesday. I know, typical excuse. BUT I WILL TRY (hopefully. I'm stressing for reals)

Anyways, I got the idea on Romaji/Kanji Chapter titles from Loki-Roki ;) Arigato...

So for now,

- Author-chan

Cooking for the Countries (Shokugeki no Soma x Hetalia Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now