Chapter 3 - 世界会議の災害 (sekai kaigi no saigai) - World Conference Disaster

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"Ohonhonhon, the black sheep of Europe ha-"


"Become one with Mother Russia, da?"

"I will become one with you, onii-san..."


Japan sat in his seat, trying to block out all sound. He needed to focus on what he was going to say as his special presentation he had asked Germany to allot for him. Japan's discomfort didn't go unnoticed by his seat partner Switzerland and his old ally Germany. The two blond nations shared a quick glance and set a plan into action.

Switzerland loaded his rifle and shot it at the ceiling. BANG! The whole room fell silent except for America who started screaming. The childish nation quickly fell silent. Germany quickly cleared his throat and established his order.

"Remember, eight minutes for everyone and-"

"No chit-chat on the sides," everyone said in unison. They had memorized Germany's control speech.

"Very well," the blonde German said. "We first have a reserved presentation from Japan today, if you may."

"Ah! Hai!" The Japanese man quickly stood up and walked to the front with his notes.

"Ano, this doesn't involve anything as us as being countries, but rather human beings," he started. "A very powerful man in Japan has -"

"Been rising to power and is most likely going to take over Japan and then the rest of the world! They need a hero like me!" America started to yell. The room fell silent. "Oops, wasn't supposed to interrupt. Continue, dude."

"Arigato, America-san. Ano, he is the head of the food industry and owns a cooking school. He wants us to teach the students at this school. You would teach your own cuisine and test them. That is my general outline."

"Wait," France questioned. "I have a very important question that may concern the students." He took a dramatic breath. "You will be allowing Anglettere here into the kitchen!? Mon cher!"

A tick mark appeared on the mentioned countries head. "My cooking is just fine!"

"YOUR COOKING IS A DISGRACE TO THE ART OF FOOD, OPIUM BASTARD, AHEN!!!" An angry Chinese representative yelled. This sparked Mini-Opium-War 3.

"Eto, can we get back on track?" Japan timidly asked amongst the confusion.

"EVERYONE SIT DOWN NOW! THAT INCLUDES YOU, ITALIA!" Germany yelled while trying to shake off a clingy Feliciano.

Order slowly returned to the room, grumbles and glaring-contests breaking out here and there. Japan continued his presentation.

"Seeing as many of you have a problem with England-san's cooking, he will be in charge of reports and grading. It is a very difficult job that requires lots of harshness," Japan gave this new idea.

England got a smug look on his face. "I can do that no problem! It'll be a hard and stressful job. Why not have the great broadcasting country do that job? I'm obviously the best person." Everyone stared at Japan. They all at that moment realized that Japan was a worthy opponent, getting what he wanted without sounding greedy.

"May everyone who is going sign a sheet of paper and their cuisine? I must tell my colleague how many countries are coming," Japan requested. Many countries rose to their seats and started fighting over who should write first. When there were three full pages of names, Japan realized that he couldn't bring every single person in this room with him.

"Ah, England-san. I have your first job," Kiku stated.


"Please narrow these names down to about 15 names. We cannot bring too many countries. Also, do not cross off countries because you hold a grudge against them. I'd prefer if you kept China-san and France-san, seeing as their food cultures are very prominent," Japan stopped England from crossing off Francis Bonnefoy - French.

"Alright," England muttered. He had wanted to get the frog out of the program as payback!

Thirty minutes passed as the meeting continued in other topics while England and Japan were deciding who should go (I ship AsaKiku, but I'll try not to add any shipping moments :P). When the United Nations meeting was about to close, the two made an agreement.

"We have the names!"


Sorry, I just had to. I'll update quickly, don't worry.
As said before, I ship Asakiku, but I'll try not to add too many ships or moments in this. If you find this too supportive of a ship, I apologize and will try to fix it.

Lots of people (2!) have asked me to continue from my last update in about, what, 4 days?! THANK U!!!

So now my update system will go like this:
3 requests to update and I'll try! Cannot promise the update, but wait at least 3 days!

Also, as you can tell, my chapter titles go through Google Translate. PLEASE TELL ME IF THEY ARE INCORRECT, I WILL TRY TO FIX IT.



Cooking for the Countries (Shokugeki no Soma x Hetalia Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now