Chapter 2- 二度とない (nidoto nai) - Not again...

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The sun rose clear and bright over the fields of the Polar Star Dorm. A buck naked silhouette could be seen tending to the variety of vegetables of the small farm. The figure stopped his work to stretch and contemplate life. Oh, and the news that would be mailed today.

"Ohayo, Isshiki-senpai," a small timid voice called out to the second year. Isshiki turned around to see Megumi Tadokoro standing amongst the cabbages, pulling on her gardening gloves.

"Good morning, Tadokoro-san. Lovely day, isn't it?" Isshiki smiled. Megumi smiled back and started to work. Eventually, the other first years trickled out of the dorm, Yukihira arriving last. The group started tending to the garden. When the sun rose well above the dorm roof, Megumi called out for a break and breakfast.

"BREAKFAAAASSSTTT!!!" The whole dorm rushed over to the breakfast Megumi had made. Taking one bite of the egg-sandwich, everyone was moaning in delight.

"MEGUMI'S COOKING IS SO GOOOOODDDD!!!" The dorm cried in unison. Megumi chuckled and smiled at her dorm mates. Beyond Marui's smiling face, she saw the mailman of Totsuki place a large envelope in their mailbox.

"Huh? Mail from the school on a Saturday?" She wondered aloud. Everyone stopped eating and looked towards the mentioned mailman.

"Yeah," Soma stated. "That is weird. Let's go check it out." He started out towards the mailbox. Ryoko tagged along, right behind Soma. Yuki smiled and skipped along with the two dorm. Ibusaki just shrugged and watched from a distance. Marui, Daigo, and Shojo were all to busy eating Megumi's food. Megumi herself was conflicted - did she follow three of her dorm mates to investigate or did she stay here and help Isshiki-senpai? Her stress between this apparently showed on her face when the seventh-seat's hand rested on her shoulder. She looked up.

"Go follow them," he stated. "It's quite interesting news." Megumi nodded furiously and ran after Soma, Ryoko, and Yuki.


"HAAAAA??!!" All the first-years were gathered in the dining hall of Polar Star Dormitory, reading the letter.

"'All first-years will be taught and tested by culinary masters from around the world. However, any students should not be able to keep up with the course, they will be immediately expelled'?!" Ryoko read. At these words, Marui turned white. Megumi fainted. Yuki screeched. Daigo and Shojo looked at each other with surprised and scared faces. Ryoko herself was shocked to silence. Soma was rubbing his chin with a smile on his face.

"Now this will be interesting," Soma smirked. Isshiki stepped into the doorway of the dining hall.

"Yes, yes. This will be interesting!" He said with the same gleam in his eyes as Soma.

Hiii... I don't think I'm dead.

(Dodges flying fruit)

Ok scratch my last update about me adding chapters every week or so. Just yell at me from the comments and I'll publish.

Sorry for the short chapter, but now we get a general gleam on both sides.

For now until my next update, I'm Author-chan with your dose of Wattpad. Have a good day/night/morning/evening wherever you are. :)

Cooking for the Countries (Shokugeki no Soma x Hetalia Crossover)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum