Chapter 4 - 行くぞ (ikuzo) - Let's Go!

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Pub-tte-pub tte go! Fish and chips! //slapped. I JUST HAD TO THE TEMPTATION WAS TOO MUCH

All focus was undivided towards the two island countries. England cleared his throat and was about to start when Kiku intervened him and made a small announcement.

"Ano, before we get on with the names, all countries must remember that the students do not know of our existence. Only the headmaster, my colleague, and his small circle of selected chefs will know. You are to address each other as your human names. That is all," Japan said. He turned towards Britain. "You may now announce the names, England-san."

"Alright, here we go:" the former empire started.

"Francis Bonnefoy - French Cuisine;" England said this with distaste
"Yao Wang - Chinese Cuisine;
Ludwig Beilschmidt - German Cuisine;
Lovino and Feliciano Vargas - Italian Cuisine;
Alfred F. Jones - American Cuisine;
Ivan Braginsky - Russian Cuisine;
Antonio Carriedo Fernandez - Spanish Cuisine;
Matthew Williams - Desserts
Kiku Honda - Japanese Cuisine.

I will be supervising as the event planner, grader, and report writer. We do not want too many countries in and make the students suspicious. Thank you for understanding and congratulations to those who are going," England grandly finished. There was applause and smiles all around, even on those faces who wanted to go.

"The event will take place in a month's time. Please plan accordingly. An email will be sent out with further information. We may also allow the countries who didn't make it onto the main roster to help those on the main roster," England said after Kiku whispered in his ear.

"Is that all, England? Japan?" Germany looked towards them.


"Alright then! Meeting adjourned! Thank you for coming to this United Nations meeting!" Germany yelled. Everyone started to bustle around, getting ready to go to a hotel or immediately fly home.

"Ve~ Japan!" The younger Italian brother was waving him over. Kiku bowed towards Arthur and excused himself. The small Asian nation walked towards the former Axis Powers.

"Germany-san, North Italia-san, South Italia-kun (I'm one of those people who hate the fact that Feli is Italy and Romano is just Romano, so just stick with me until all is cleared up), konnichiwa," he greeted.

"Why do you always call me Italy like my fratellino over here?" The bitter Italian questioned Japan. Japan just shrugged and replied that it felt more natural to him instead of calling him Romano-kun. As he was asking Japan this, Spain was placing a turtle on South Italy's hair.

"GET THAT GREEN WATER CREATURE AWAY FROM ME, JERK!" The Italian was chasing the Spaniard around, trying to murder the turtle and the man. Japan just looked at the commotion before he returned his gaze to the other Italian brother.

"Italia-san, did you need anything?"

"Ve~ Thanks for choosing me and fratello! It means a lot to us!"

"No problem," Japan smiled.


Later that night, Japan was using the hotel room phone to call Nakiri Senzaemon.

"Moshi moshi?" A deep voice sounded at the end.

"Ah! Nakiri-san," the Japanese man started.

"Nihon-sama. Did you need anything?"

"Yes. I have most of the ideas planned out. May I meet you at Totsuki when I return?"

'Of course. The Autumn Elections have just ended. This is the perfect time to start our little program."


I know, it's been a few hours but I just couldn't wait!

If you wanted other countries, I'm sorry! It's hard for me to write about characters that don't have a lot of canon personality I can draw off of and I rarely use OCs. So that means no India, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. even though I love their food!

Next up!: Countries arrive at Totsuki!

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