Chapter 6 - eH??!! (I don't think this needs Japanese)

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Yawning, Soma opened the classroom door and was greeted with silence. Soma stopped. Usually it was loud and chatty when he got in, so why was it - 

"Guten Tag, students," a rough voice grunted. The Japanese that came from the man's mouth was heavily accented. "My name ist Ludwig Beilschmidt, and I am going to be your instructor for today." Soma got a good look at the man and saw that he had a large frame. He stood with confidences, resembling an army commander. 

"Scary!" Soma thought. "Oh right, today's the first day of the International training camp."  Soma racked his brain, trying to remember what Matthew had told him. Ludwig was the... what was he teaching again?

"I will be teaching you German Cuisine," the man said. "Most of you think that German cuisine is mostly sausages and beir, so I will test you on how to make sausages and beir. All supplies are here. Please bring them in, Arthur." The door swung open, revealing the man with the caterpillar eyebrows. He was pushing a cart of different meats and meat cutters. The beer materials consisted of water, yeasts, and different grains. The materials gleamed with a new finish to them. The actual man pushing them was not gleaming in terms of personality.

"I'm tasked with pushing everything around because you guys think I can't cook? The great British Empire has the best food ever!" He grumbled. 

"Arthur, please place the materials here," Ludwig instructed. He turned towareds the class. "May I have two volunteers help place the beir making materials on each cooking space?" Soma raised his hand, along with Takumi and Isami. Ludwig surveyed them and chose the twins. As the two Italian's walked up to help Arthur, Megumi raised her hand. 

"Um, s-sir?" she squeaked. Ludwig faced her. "Yes, young lady?"

"Um, sorry to be rude, sir, but doesn't beer take a few months to make, sir?" Megumi was constantly adding a 'sir'. Ludwig looked over her once and spoke.

"I like you. You know how to show respect. And yes, beir takes a while to make, but I have been in the beer industry for a while. I know techniques that will speed it up to just a few days."

"Then how will we test it?" A student in the corner yelled. Ludwig snapped his attention directly to the boy. The boy squeaked. 

"This is your only class with me, however, you have to come in here at the correct time and date for the beer to properly brew. If you miss a day, the beer goes bad. This is a test of how you manage time and if you can handle long-period cooking. One week from now, I will call students in one at a time to give their reports. The night before, I will taste them and see if they are properly brewed," Ludwig simply stated.

"Isn't that a lot of beer, sir?" Megumi asked. Ludwig shook his head. 

"There isn't anything like taking a few gallons of beer every now and then," he said. Looking at his student's horrified faces, he continued. "I don't get drunk very easily. Besides, I have brother who may be of -"

"Ludwig, I don't think it would be wise to give your brother beer," Arthur spoke from the corner. Everyone jumped. The man had been so silent that they had forgotten about him. "Antonio and that bloody frog Francis are here. Give him alcohol, time to smuggle some, and keep your attention off him for one second, he's gone. A few hours later, half the campus will be toilet-papered, on fire, and we'll find those three drunken and trying to woo ladies. That calls for disaster."

Ludwig sighed. "You are right, Bri - Arthur," the man seemed to catch himself. To cover his mistake, he said, "We also shouldn't give you any alcohol. You'd go in your weird half naked butler suit "


Eventually, the two calmed down and had everyone work on the beer. The fermenting process was easy for most, and everyone got their fermenting started. 

"Next is wurst," the German barked. He lifted the sausage cutter with ease and showed them how to prepare the meats and create the right shape, texture, and taste. 

"I basically gave you the instructions. Arthur, hand out the sausage machines." The Brit nodded and lifted two machines at once, passing them out. When the students tried to lift them to place them where they wanted the machine to be, they found it very hard to lift. 

"How did you lift these?" Takumi questioned. "They're impossibly heavy."

"Ah," the British gentleman said. "There's a lot of metal and other machinery in there. This fodder-" he nodded towards the German, "won't get the newer, lighter versions. He prefers the 'old fashioned heavy wurst-makers'."

Ludwig and Arthur eventually had to help most of the people move the machine, but when the actual process started, they gave no hints. 

"USE THOSE MUSCLES!" The German yelled. His personality had suddenly changed.He was starting to resemble a commander. "IF YOU CAN'T TURN A HANDLE FOR A WURST MACHINE, HOW ARE YOU GOING TO CREATE A GERMAN SAUSAGE? THIS IS EASIER THAN WHAT I HAD TO LIVE WITH! I MADE SAUSAGES BY HAND!" He got up front in everyone's faces, yelling at them. Those who broke under pressure and fear were sent out. Later, they would be expelled. When most of the people who couldn't handle it were gone, everything started to go smoothly. Poor Megumi was shaking, but still managed to get a few meats out with her strength from butchering fish.

The German walked out for a while, leaving Arthur to make sure that no one was cheating. And boy, did he catch those trouble-makers. He had an eagle eye, catching every wrong movement and broadcasting it from a television. He seemed like a news reporter and critic, constantly seeking out mistakes. What the students didn't know was that he sometimes helped with the BBC and was amazing at finding small things to use as story line. 

The German came back in, holding a cake. By then, everyone had finished their required amount of sausages and were cleaning up.

"For everyone here," he held up the cake. "I just made it. Show me your fruits of labor, and I will give you a slice." He slapped a sneaky hand on his shoulder. "Arthur, you will get the last slice."

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. This buff man made a dainty, delicate vanilla icing cake. Soma presented his wurst at the man and was given a large slice. He dug into the dessert and was  wowed (the foodgasms :D). The man was a crazy dessert maker! The vanilla blended well with the strawberry gelatin in between the sponge cake layers. It tasted amazing, straight out of a professional cookbook. Everyone was moaning in delight as they ate. A Brit was wailing in the corner because Ludwig had deliberately cut everything so there was none for him.

The students walked out of that class happy and satisfied. Some eventually forgot about their beer. Some made their wurst incorrectly. Some didn't hold up under the stress. Out of the 30 people who started that class, only 13 made it out with passing grades. 



I'm so proud of myself. 

ANYWAYS, CONSIDER THIS WEEK A THANKSGIVING MARATHON (if you celebrate Thanksgiving. If not, then it's just a random week of lots of updates :D)! I have a lot of spare time, so look forward to seeing your favorite cooks clash with a certain Brit and some countries!

Yours truly,


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