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I lay propped up on my side wearing my cosy blue pyjamas with my laptop open on Facebook. It was a typical Saturday night, spent alone, stalking friends who have better things to do with their weekends. The profile I was currently on was not that of a friend, however. Monica Waters’ pearly white teeth grinned at me from behind the glass of the screen as I stared at her recent activity. Three football players had posted on her wall asking her to ‘pop up’, I noted in disgust. She’d been tagged in a picture with her dance group and the boys that they’d picked up on their recent camp. There she stood, with a skinny hand placed on her cocked hip, and her lips forced into a confident pout.

My attention was distracted by activity at the bottom of my screen. A new chat window had popped up. It was Charlie. ‘How’s life, loopy lou?’

A smile spread across my face as I typed back rapidly. ‘Boring. Wish you were here.’

‘I am.’ He replied.

I looked around my small room in shock. My door was closed, and the floor was unusually spotless to reveal the white carpet. There was nobody else in here, unless he was hiding in the wardrobe. A rattling at the window caught my attention. I peered out into the darkness. Nothing. What was he talking about? Then the rattling came again, louder. I looked out confusedly.

Charlie stood, leaning against his little blue car, looking up at me. He raised one hand up and waved it at me coolly, before motioning for me to come downstairs.

I gave him a questioning look. ‘How?’

A new message popped up on Facebook. ‘I’ll catch you.’

No way. A look of horror appeared on my face as I shook my head from side to side. I walked over to the window and slid it open.

‘Come on!’ He shouted, throwing his arms above his head. ‘I’m right here.’

I chuckled. ‘There is no way you can catch me.’

‘Climb, then.’ He replied, motioning towards the tall tree next to my window. ‘I bet you can do that.’

He had a point. I was very experienced at climbing trees, having spent much of my childhood exploring the local forests with Matthew. I leant out of the window towards the tree. It was just out of reach.

‘Stand on the ledge.’ Charlie was stood right beneath me now. He was serious about catching me.

My legs shook horribly as I gripped the wall above the window and hauled myself out. My hand slipped. I fell forward and my heart flipped. Luckily, somehow my legs were positioned so that I didn’t fall onto the cold hard ground below. Just as I was about to give up, the door to my bedroom burst open. I slowly turned around, praying that it was not a parent that had just invaded.

Matthew met my gaze and advanced towards me. ‘I’ll lift you to the tree.’

He grabbed my legs and pushed me out until I had both arms on a strong branch. ‘Thanks.’ I breathed.

My brother stayed and watched my progress down the tree until I was wrapped in Charlie’s warm, muscular arms. ‘Take care of her, Miller.’ He muttered.

‘Can you let me back in later?’ I pleaded. ‘I’ll text you?’

To my surprise, he nodded in agreement before shutting my bedroom window and retreating to his room. Charlie and I were left alone in the moonlight. He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear and pulled me close.

‘Where are we going?’ I asked breathlessly.

‘It’s a surprise.’ The grin that I knew so well greeted me. ‘Get in the car.’

Getting Over Charlie MillerWhere stories live. Discover now