Chapter Eleven - Surprise Visit

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“I can’t!” I wailed to Mum through the bedroom door, clutching at my stomach and feeling tears dampening my hair where it stuck to my face, “It hurts to move.”

“I knew we shouldn’t have got you a lock,” Mum muttered from behind the wooden door.

All I could do was whimper as another wave of nausea and cramps arose within me. Breathing heavily, I pressed hard against my lower stomach, cursing Mother Nature. Next to me, my phone buzzed in the fifth consecutive text from Aaron. I ignored it as I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and concentrated on my favourite song that was playing on a loop in my head.

“If you come out here, I have pills and a big bar of chocolate,”

My eyes snapped open. Slowly, I stood up and shuffled over to the door, feeling a sudden rush between my legs. I let out a cry of horror as I pulled the door open to reveal Mum looking completely fed up while also somewhat sympathetic. When her soft brown eyes rested upon me, she wrapped my sorry figure into her arms.

“Have these and I’ll bring you a hot water bottle,” She handed me two white pills and a mug of water along with the promised chocolate bar.

Back in my room, I flopped down onto my bed and picked up my phone. I hadn’t spoken to Aaron properly since the gathering at Abigail’s but had spent the time in school with my usual friends. How he’d acted had really upset me, and yet he hadn’t seemed at all phased by what had happened between me and his best friend.

Deciding to open the first of the texts, I clicked on the screen.

“Babe, I’m sorry.”

Fair enough. At least this was a step in the right direction. Feeling new found positivity, I clicked on the second message, wincing as my stomach threatened to explode.

“Seriously, Lou. I mean it. Sorry. X”

The addition of a kiss caught my attention. Did he seriously think I was ignoring him because he forgot to add a kiss?

“Lou. What the hell? Are you ignoring me? Like actually?”

I rolled my eyes.

“Reply whenever you feel like it. I’ll be here.”

In a way that was kind of sweet.

“For real?”

Taking pity on Aaron, I decided to compose a response. After all, I had pretty much ignored him for a good four days. Tapping my thumbs rapidly against the screen, I raised my eyebrows as I judged the phrasing of the reply.

“Sorry, not in a great mood. Stomach is killing me. X”

Mum came back into the room with a steaming hot water bottle in a teddy bear. I hugged it gratefully to my stomach when I received it from her familiar hands. She smiled at me and brushed some hair behind my ear.

“Shall we watch a film today?” She asked, “On your laptop?”

I nodded with a smile. Mum and Dad had bought me a Netflix subscription for my birthday last year, but recently I’d barely had time to use it. Dad had protested at first, saying that I should be going out with my friends and not be encouraged to spend my time cooped up watching sob stories.

As Mum left to fetch my laptop from the lounge, I noticed that Aaron had already replied to my text.

“Aw babe, you feeling ok? Want me to drop by? Xxxx”

It was clear that I was forgiven for ignoring him. But I didn’t really want Aaron round. A girly day with Mum was usually just the thing to help me around this time of month.

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