Chapter Three - Confusion

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I was thanking my lucky stars on Monday having spent hours refreshing the school website until finally an update confirmed that we would have the day off due to ‘adverse weather conditions’. It was mid-December and my front garden was covered in a sheet of glorious white snow. This time last year, I would have been pulling on my winter boots and rushing outside to make snow angels. Somehow, I wasn’t in the mood this time round.

Breakfast was skipped, and lunch was eaten slightly late following my three hour long lie in (I needed that). The house was empty as Matthew had decided to go ice skating with Anna. To my surprise, they’d invited me along, but I didn’t want to ruin their fun. Not knowing what to do with this extra free time, I sat in my usual spot on my bed with my laptop open, playing my favourite music. One advantage of having a whole house to yourself was that there was nobody to tell you to turn the volume down.

While browsing Facebook profiles (I do that too often), Becky popped up. ‘Movies tonight?’

My gut instinct was to reject the invitation. Not that I didn’t love Becky, she had been the first friend I made in school. But I wasn’t in the most social of moods, especially with the state of my hair, skin and… Everything today. However, the second voice in my head told me to remember Dad’s constant worrying about my lack of social life since me and Charlie… Ever since the parents had clocked onto my new relationship status, I’d be showered with questions about when I’d next be out with friends. I supposed now would be a good time.

Decision made, I replied. ‘Great! What time? Xx’

‘7, choose the movie when we get there.’ She continued to type. ‘Mind if we’re not alone?’

My heart sank. I didn’t like acting as a third wheel at the best of times, but right now it didn’t seem like an attractive option. On the other hand, Joe was my friend, too, and I hadn’t spoken to him properly for a good while. ‘Sure, as long as Joe gives me a lift! X’

I got off my bed and checked the time. It was already five o’clock. I really did need to stop spending so long stalking people.


An hour later and I was stood in my underwear freshly out of the shower, wondering how I was going to put together a decent outfit for tonight. To my left was a pile of discarded outfits including jeans that were too short, too light or too big. I ransacked my wardrobe for another pair to try on, desperately tugging at bits of material. Nothing. Giving up, I picked out the least offensive pair from the discard pile and wriggled into them.

I checked my phone for updates from Becky. ‘I promise you’ll look fine! Wear whatever.’

With this advice in mind I pulled a green Christmas jumper over my head and inspected my appearance. My blonde hair had dried into soft waves that fell gently over my shoulders, covering up my lack of chest. I’d applied some blue mascara and outlined my eyes in black, hoping to bring my age up by a year. Overall, the effect wasn’t bad. I looked quite cute… In my opinion, at least.

I mentally scolded myself for that last thought, and spritzed some perfume around my body. I’d just noticed that my painted blue nails were chipped, and was about to address the issue when I heard the honk of Joe’s horn outside. Damn.

 ‘Alright, Loopy Lou?’ Adam’s voice greeted me as I recoiled in surprise.

Joe’s car was stuffed full of all my best friends, minus Sophie who I’d been informed was ‘on a hot date’ this evening. From the bright, toothy grins on all of their faces, I could tell that this had been a planned surprise. I felt my own lips form a grin as I took my seat and slammed the door shut. Despite all that happened, I still had the best friends in the world.

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