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Charlie pulled me by the wrist across my frozen garden with a childlike excited grin on his face. I struggled not to trip over my own feet in my strappy heels as we rushed towards the treehouse. Behind us, the New Year’s Eve party continued, with my parents blasting eighties music and drinking large amounts of champagne accompanied by their friends. Reaching the ladder, Charlie held up my wrist to his mouth and kissed my Pandora bracelet with his soft lips.

‘Up you get!’ He placed my hands firmly on the ladder.

‘I’m wearing heels!’ I protested, pointing to my feet. ‘How am I going to climb?’

‘I promise it’s worth it.’ Charlie pleaded, pouting.

Rolling my eyes, I struggled up the ladder and saw what awaited me in the treehouse. I gasped. In the middle of the wooden square lay numerous tea candles flickering in the wind. There was a glass bowl of strawberries next to a big bottle of lemonade, and rose petals sprinkled all around. Unable to speak, I turned around to look at Charlie. His strong arms closed around my waist and his lips brushed my neck. He’d caught me up.

‘Do you like it?’ He whispered into my ear, giving me goose bumps.

‘I love it.’ I whispered, climbing into the house and turning to face him. ‘But the candles are a bit of a safety hazard.’

Charlie laughed his deep laugh and came to sit next to me. He wrapped his strong arms around me once more and fed me a delicious red strawberry. I closed my eyes and savoured the taste, strawberries were my favourite fruit. Turning to my left, I stroked Charlie’s soft cheek and brought our noses into contact.

‘I think this is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done.’

‘It won’t happen again.’ He winked. ‘It was way too expensive.’

I shoved him while snorting with laughter, but Charlie pulled me back into him hard and slammed his mouth onto mine. Above us, fireworks started to explode with loud bangs and fizzles. It was midnight. I tore my mouth away from his and smiled, leaning into him.

‘Happy new year.’ He spoke seriously. ‘I’ll always love you.’

Before I got chance to return his love, Charlie was showering me in soft kisses.

Getting Over Charlie MillerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora