I Love You

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James dipped his hand deep into the beanie hat that Mum held out in front of him. He closed his eyes and moved his hand around, feeling for a piece of tissue. Blue eyes open, he held the flimsy bit of pink tissue paper up like a trophy, parading it before us all.

‘Pink! That means I’m with Lou, right?’ He grinned eagerly, eyeing me up.

I felt Charlie’s grip around my waist tighten as he smiled back at James. ‘And me.’

It always made me laugh how jealous Charlie got around other guys, even my own cousin. Although James was pretty perverted, and gross. All he and his twin sister ever talked about was the opposite sex. It made you wonder what exactly Aunt Olive and Uncle Fred talked about in their southern mansion. Not that it was a pleasant thought.

James reluctantly acknowledged the presence of my boyfriend, and travelled across the room to join us on the leather couch. For a terrifying moment, I thought he was going to attempt to sit between us, but luckily Charlie’s half-threatening glare seemed to put him off that idea. Everybody leant forwards as the instructions of the game were read out, especially Dad, who didn’t like to admit that he was extremely competitive. I noticed James staring at Charlie’s hand on my leg while we listened to the rules. From the look on Charlie’s face, he’d noticed too. This suspicion was confirmed when he moved his hand higher up. I coughed awkwardly. Uncle Fred’s voice trailed off as the instructions finished.

‘Let the games begin!’ James spoke excitedly, catching my eye.


‘Yes!’ I yelped out as we moved our piece into the end position.

We’d won the game fair and square, our team proving that we worked together well, despite the previous tension. Dad glared at us as we celebrated, tossing the dice to the floor. James swept me into a hug and for once I didn’t mind. I guessed I was competitive too. On second thought, the hug was a little too tight and James’ elation a little too much. It came as a relief when Charlie’s familiar muscular arms tugged away those of my cousin and replaced them.

I’d taken to inviting Charlie along to family events, now. This was our second Christmas together, and Mum and Dad had pretty much accepted that Charlie was an honorary member of the Shaw family. He’d been nervous before the arrival of my cousins, which would have been really cute, had he not had every right to be nervous owing to the fact that Aunt Olive and Uncle Fred completely disapproved of me dating. They seemed totally unaware of the exploits of their own offspring.

‘Hey, you interrupted our victory cuddle!’ James protested, folding his arms over his chest.

‘If you’re not careful you and I will have our own victory cuddle.’ Charlie threatened, pulling me even closer to him. ‘Now run along.’

I didn’t even have to look up to see Mum’s warning look, and Auntie Olive’s outraged pout. She didn’t appreciate attacks on her own children, no matter how good the reasoning. Dad swiftly offered everyone drinks, causing the room to be vacated in favour of the kitchen. Good call, Dad.

‘And then there were two…’ I joked, turning around to view Charlie’s red face and poking his nose. ‘Moody.’

When he didn’t respond to the poke, I knew he was seriously pissed off. Normally he’d squeal like a girl (rather amusing), and tackle me. As it was, he simply flopped down onto the sofa and glared at the wooden floor. Part of me wondered what the floor had done to upset him.

I was about to enquire about this when he spoke up. ‘Why is he so obsessed with you?’

‘Who, my cousin?’ I laughed, sitting on his soft lap and pulling his arms around my waist. ‘Don’t be ridiculous, he’s obsessed with females in general. Not just me.’

‘I don’t care.’ Charlie sulked. ‘You’re mine.’

‘If it makes you feel any better, James isn’t competition.’ I teased, resting my head on his surprisingly comfortable shoulder. ‘I’m not into that stuff.’

‘Good because he can’t have you.’

‘Oh, can’t he?’ I stood up and walked away with a grin on my face. ‘And why is that?’

Charlie threw his hands up into the air, unable to see the funny side of the situation. ‘I already told you why.’ His eyes raged as they stared into nothingness.

Finally, I took pity on my jealous boyfriend. I took hold of his large hands and pulled until he was standing up on the hard wooden floor. Charlie refused to look at me, continuing to sulk like a toddler, his blue eyes blank as I wrapped my arms around his muscular torso, struggling to join my hands behind his back. Stroking the soft white material of his t-shirt, I hugged him tightly, breaking down his resistance. My boyfriend exhaled heavily and tangled his hands in my wavy blonde hair, cupping my face in his hands.

‘I love you.’ He informed me for the first time, kissing my cheek tenderly.

Butterflies rose in my stomach as I received the kiss. ‘I love you too.’

James stumbled into the room, tripping over wrapping paper and presents on the floor. He gasped at the scene in front of him, feigning embarrassment. Making sarcastic apologies, he turned around and left the room, leaving Charlie with a new scowl on his face. Sure enough, seconds later the rest of the family saw fit to enter the room, ruining our moment. I released Charlie from my grasp and straightened out my tiny purple skirt, blushing.

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