Chapter 2

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*Flash Back--Dan 5 years old*
"Momma where is daddy he has to kill the monsters under the bed so they don't get me" Dan said to his mom as she tucked him into bed.
"I don't know sweetie but I'll be sure no monsters get you" Dans mom whispered as she turned out the lights.
"Goodnight momma"
"sweet dreams love"
Dan was in a deep sleep until he was suddenly awoken by a loud crash coming from downstairs that was soon accompanied by his dads screams and mothers sobs. Dan snuck out of bed and peeked out of his door to spy on what was going on downstairs.
"Honey are you drunk again. That won't help this situation. it will be fine you can find a new job and everything will be fine in the mean time I can find a part time job." Dans mom said with a strong voice
"No it will not I have no money and why would I want a woman paying for me. Woman stay home and clean and cook for the men while they make the money" Dans dad said harshly making Dan grow furious and cause his little legs to run down stairs without thinking so he could confront his dad. "Daddy don't talk to mommy like that. She can do more than make me sandwiches. She is worth more" Dan spoke in defense of his mom.
"Shut up you child you don't know what you are saying. Now let the adults talk." Dans dad said while grabbing his moms shoulder and dragging her to their bedroom. "Stop you are going to hurt her" Dan yelled as he tried to push his dad away from his mom. But his efforts were soon put to a end when he felt a sting across his face as his father slapped him. Dan heard his mom screech as she wiggled from Dans dads grip to go assist Dan who was knocked to the ground by the force of the strike.
"Get off the ground you weak child. And you, you get off the ground too and come with me so I can teach you a lesson too." Dans dad hissed.
"No" Dans mom said sternly
"What did you say to me"
"I said no!" Dans mom yelled. She too was knocked to the ground bringing her favorite vase down with her as Dans dad punched her in the face. Dans mom quickly stood up and said something that would change everything, forever.
"Get the hell out of my house you animal. I never want you to see me or my child again!" And all Dans dad said was
"I will I hope you and him rot in hell" that was the last thing Dan ever heard his dad say. Dan always blamed himself for that night..

*Current Day--Dan 17 years old*
He never had many friends growing up. He never felt loved despite his mom telling him everyday he didn't believe her. Who would love him. A gross, fat, gay, ugly creature that deserved nothing but hurt and pain. Dan first discovered cutting and the joy that comes with it when he was 14 years old. He was just scrolling through tumblr and there was a post that said
"I cut to release the pain inside. I cut because it makes me happy. I cut because I need it to live."
Which was displayed over a picture of someone with a knife to their wrist as the person created these perfect looking strawberry gashes. That was the first night dan ever tried, and boy did he understand the picture. Those scars were his way of breathing. They were his escape. They were his temporary numbness. The constant ache He felt in his arms was worth that tiny scrap of light. He hated who He was and what He looked like. He hated every single thing about himself. The funny thing is you would expect him to be the loner of the school that no one would talk to or avoid, but instead he was one of the most popular people at his school. He had so many "friends" he would call them his friends to their face and to his mom so she didn't worry about him but he knew that they were all fake. If they knew the real him they would leave. Everyone would. That's why he has built up so many walls that he hides behind and no one has been able to break them down, that's until a special someone starts at Dans school that just makes Dans heart melt at the first glimpse of him. His name was Phil Lester and little did Dan know that that exact boy would be the most important person to him in the near future. He would be the reason Dan was still alive. As well as the only person in the world that could put a genuine smile on Dans face. He would be the person who taught Dan how to love.

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