Chapter 7

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(Back to Dan)

I got to first period and I decide to try to doodle on a piece of paper to help rid myself of all these terrible emotions. It doesn't work, no surprise there. Nothing can ever make me smile. That's what I said before the blue eyes walked into the room. That's when I realized one thing, one thing can make me smile. And that one thing is Phil.
"Hey Daniel." Phil said with a soft voice.
"Hi Phil" I replied
"How has your morning been so far gorgeous?" Phil asked with a smirk. Did..did he just call me gorgeous. I begin to blush and I make the mistake of looking into his eyes. Gosh those god damn eyes. They are so perfect. Blue. Even more blue than the seas. They sparkled when lights hit them in the right way. Gosh his eyes are perfect. I could stare all day. Oh god I've been staring at him for so long he is probably scared. I'm so stupid. Gosh.
"What did you say again phil?"
"You seem to stare a lot Danny." Phil smirked. He knew what he was doing he knew this got to me. Oh boy did it get to me. My cheeks looked like tomatoes.
"Sorry." I said looking away. He grabbed my chin with one finger and forced me to stare at him.
"It's fine though it gives me the chance to look at your beautiful brown eyes." My mouth goes dry. Is Phil flirting with me. Gosh he is flirting with me. Why though I'm gross.
"My eyes are a gross dirt color, but yours are completely mesmerizing." I said back. Wow what a sudden burst of confidence you got there Dan. I did not know I had that in me.
" Oh you must be kidding Danny boy your eyes are perfect they are in fact brown but not some gross brown, a beautiful brown, caramel brown your eyes are beautiful and so are you."
This is so weird why is someone flirting with me. I look down to the floor to hide the blush forming on my face. When I see something sticking out of Phil's pocket. It's a paper but the corner of the paper is black. It's not just any paper. It's the paper from my notebook. I look up at Phil with a confused expression. I reached for his pocket and grabbed the paper out of it.
"Is this my paper Phil? Why do you have it?" I begin to unfold the paper. When I look at what's on the paper my blood runs cold. It's the paper I had written this morning. He saw it. He read it. He knows. Oh no. I began crying and tears start falling down my face and onto the paper. Then I realize He doesn't actually think those things about me. He just feels bad for the emo freak.
"Why did you lie to me Phil. I thought you actually meant what you said. You were clearly just saying that stuff because you felt bad for me." I said to Phil while tears poured from my eyes.
"Oh Dan I did mean everything I said. I promise. I do want to help you though."
"Don't lie to me Phil. I hate when people lie."
"I'm not lying Dan I meant everything I said. I want to help you too. I will do anything just to help you realize how much you are worth."
By this point we were both crying.
"No one has ever cried for me before. Thank you." I hiccup out in between sobs.
"I don't like that you feel this way I will try with my whole being to make you understand how beautiful you are."
"Thank you." I say. He doesn't say you're welcome. He doesn't say anything else he just leans in and gives me a hug. Then he does something I don't think either of us expected. He kisses my forehead. I have only known this boy for about a day and I can already tell he is going to be my whole world. Heck he already is the most important person in my life.

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