Chapter 10

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Love, it's such a weird emotion. What exactly is it? I've always thought of love as an emotion I could never and would never feel. Sure I do like things. I like listening to music as it is my happy place. I like food, I could never starve myself because I couldn't go without popcorn. I've never had problems liking things. Love on the other hand, I could never find myself in love with anything. I thought that people pretended to feel it just to fit in. To me love didn't exist. That was until one boy changed my mind. Phillip Michael Lester. God he is perfect in every way. His body was gorgeous, it was soft. His hugs, he has the warmest hugs, they make me happy. Most importantly his hands. His hands are beautiful, they fit perfectly with my hands. Everything about him was perfect but my favorite part are his eyes. They are the prettiest color, I could stare at them all day. They are the perfect combination of blue, yellow, and green.

Now I understand love. Love is when you need something so much you would die without it. Love is something you cherish. Now I know, love is the way I feel whenever I look into Phil's eyes. Love is the way I feel whenever I hold Phil's hand, or hug him. The emotion I feel towards Phil and those goddamn perfect eyes is love. Complete and utter love.

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