I'm what?

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                    "I'm what?" I asked, looking completely shocked. I look over at Alec and see that his mouth is wide open and looks shocked and surprised. I'm really hoping that the doctor came into the wrong room by mistake.
                  "You're pregnant, Mr. Bane. And before you ask, yes this is real."

                  "How far along am I?"

                  "Seven and a half weeks. If you wanna see your child, I can take you to another room and another doctor can give you an ultrasound." The doctor said. Both me and Alec nod, and then he leads us to where the ultrasound will take place.

                  When I get settled in, Alec takes my hand and holds it tight. I then take the time to think over what happened. I'm pregnant, which explains my morning sickness. The thing that really weirds me out is that I'm a male, and it's not everyday a male gets told he is pregnant. Sure I'm a warlock, but that doesn't mean we're like sea horses and the males give birth. Alec then turned to me while holding my left hand and said, "Magnus, do you see this ring?" I nod, looking at the engagement, or as I sometimes call it 'engaygment' ring on my finger. "This means that I will always love you, no matter what. We will raise this child together, and I know we will be the best parents out there."

                   I was on the brink on tears. We embraced until the doctor who was doing the ultrasound came in.

Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying the story so far. I'll see you soon.


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