Oh no.

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It's been a week since we found out I was expecting. Alec has bought a good amount of baby books from various stores and has even compiled a new diet for me. The diet is supposed to help bring in extra calories for the baby.  

          I was reading one of the books Alec bought when he came in to the living room. I looked up and saw that he was sweating and had a terrified expression on his face. He then walks over to me and sits next to me. After plopping himself down, he says "Magnus, we have a problem."

             "What's going on?" I asked, my mind racing through all the possible things that he could say. What if he doesn't want the baby? What if the council doesn't want the baby?

             "So, you know how my parents don't like me being gay and tried to force me to marry someone else?"

I nod my head.

            "Well, when and if they find out about this baby, they will be furious. My dad is still against the whole downworlders can marry shadow hunters thing, and he probably won't even have us raise the child. He may take him or her away and give it to a mundane family."

                "Well, can't we just keep the baby away from your dickhead dad?"

                "Magnus, we can't keep the baby a secret forever. Eventually they'll find out about him or her"

                Oh no I think. We have to hide my pregnancy from Alec's parents.

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