Life according to Tessa

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"Tess, I need to tell you something." I spoke as i set my cup of tea down. A fellow warlock, Tessa Gray, is the only known warlock to have children with a shadowhunter. I called her a couple of days ago so I could get her advice on if the children would be trained as shadowhunters since they would have warlock blood in them.

      "Magnus, you can tell me anything. Whats going on?" Tessa says. I exhale and look her in the eyes.

"I'm pregnant."

Her facial expression goes from worried to utter shock. Her mouth slowly makes an o shape and she grabs my hands.

    "Does Alec know?"

    "Yes he does, Tess. And he is extremely excited for us. I just need some advice. Since I am a warlock and Alec is a shadowhunter, what will they be raised as?" As I finished speaking, Tess looked at her wallet. In it she keeps a picture of William Herondale, her first love. She then slowly puts her wallet down and looks at me, tears almost filling up her eyes.

     "The children will be raised as Shadowhunters, since Shadowhunter blood is dominant. However, the Nephilim are like the Amish, and they don't like outside blood. They want everyones blood to be purebred blood. That is why everyone is related in the shadowhunter world. Now with Mr. Lightwood as the Inqusi-"

     "Hes an asshole."

      "You say that everytime I see you, but yes. And the council will be weary about children with both warlock blood and shadowhunter blood in them."

Hello everyone! Hope you are liking the story so far. BTW, my family just got another bunny! We now have two, and the odds of them having a litter is high.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2017 ⏰

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