Simons Birthday planning

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Izzy then let go of us and walked over to the couch, motioning us to come over. In front of her was an entire planner and numbers to various birthday stores.

      "Ok, now do you wanna help me plan for Simons birthday?" She said as we sat down, me on her left and Alec on her right.

"Sure, Izzy. What were you planning to do for him? Are you going to pop out of a cake and surprise him?"

     "No, that is a good idea though. I was planning a Dungeons and Dragons themed party, since that is his favorite game."

      "Why are there dragons in dungeons?" I asked. Due to my immortality, Im not always up to date with what is trending in the mundane world, so half of the conversations that I have with Alec are him explaining what new technology is and what trends are in and out. Last week he taught me about this Internet sensation called "memes" which led me to being on the internet for the rest of the day.

     "Magnus, there are no dragons in dungeons." Izzy said. "Its a role playing game that he likes to play with his friends." She then told me that she will show me what the game is all about when we have the party, which is the day after my next appointment at the doctors.

Hello everybody! Im so sorry I have been absent! Musical took away my soul for a good 2-3 months. See you next time!

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