Double trouble

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Warning: Swearing
I am currently at my doctors appointment for the baby. This week is the 12 week mark, meaning that I start the second trimester now and will start showing. Alec told me that we will say it's for Troye and Connor Sivan and hide him or her from them when they visit, which I hope isn't often. Alecs dad is a dick. His mom I can somehow tolerate. Somehow.

Alec comes into the room with a man in his twenties with green hair, glasses and his shirt had a green eye on it.

"You must be Magnus, I presume?" The man said in his loud Irish accent. I nod my head as Alec holds my hand.

"Wonderful! My name is Sean, but you can call me Jack. Anywho, are you ready to see your mini me?" Man is this dude loud. "No we want to see it later yes we want to see our child." I said sarcastically. Jack just laughs and starts to hook up the sonogram machine. When it turns on, he then gets the clear jelly stuff to put on my belly to help see the baby. Dang this stuff is colder than Alec's dad's heart.

         "Ok lets see how booper dooper is doing." Jack then puts the sensor on my belly and after looking at it for a minute, he looks shocked. He then cracks a smile that can make flowers grow. He turns the machine to us and I see why he was smiling. On the screen I see two blobs. It's twins.

        "Holy shit-"
        "Shhhh. You don't want your kids to hear you swearing now do you?" Jack says as he looks at Alec with a stern look. I just lay there with my mouth agape. I'm having twins. How are we going to hide two kids from the Lightwoods?

         "Well, I'll schedule your next appointment on your 16 week mark. By then we can determine the gender of the babies. That is if you want to know."

       Alec looks at me and I nod my head. "Yes we would like to know the gender of the... twins" "Great! Well, you two can go home now. I'll see you next month!"

       While leaving, Alec squeezes my hand and whispers in my ear "Magnus, everything will be ok. I'll be here for you."

Hello everyone! Just a heads up that Jack will be a reuccuring character for this story and to let you know that from January to March I will have musical practice. Hopefully my brain doesn't explode from tech week and I will get as many updates for you guys as I can.

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