Chapter 1

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I would like to preface this book by saying I wrote this book when I was around 13-14 and a lot of people that I made as characters in this book I would change now if I was to write it over again. Please forgive me for my 13-14 year old selves taste in guys haha!! I hope you still enjoy the book itself!! -- Madi 

Picture of Asher Above ^^ most pictures will be at the end of the chapter!!

Mila's POV:

6:00 AM, what a God forsaken time to be awake. I slowly got out of my bed and walked over to my  closet  and picked out a comfy outfit for the day threw my hair into a bun,,Put on a little bit of makeup and headed downstairs.

I was going to check and see if my parents were home but i already knew they wouldn't be, they never are. I come from a pretty wealthy family and you would think that would mean my life is amazing but its the opposite. My parents are always travelling or working and i barely get to see them. They send me money  to get food and everything else i need for myself. I live in a fairly big house all alone and it gets pretty lonely at times but im used to it.

I go to Reagan high school home of all the amazingly popular girls and guys how will never notice I exist.  Anyway i grab a quick breakfast and head out the door, i hopped into my 1970 matte black Chevy nova aka my favorite thing in this world.

I started my drive to Reagan and turned on the radio and starving by Hailee Steinfeld and i started singing along with it,

  You know just what to say
 Things that scare me
I should just walk away
But I can't move my feet

The more that I know you, the more I want to
Something inside me's changed
I was so much younger yesterday, oh

I didn't know that I was starving 'til I tasted you
Don't need no butterflies when you give me the whole damn zoo
By the way, right away, you do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving 'til I tasted you

By the way, right away, you do things to my body
I didn't know that I was starving 'til I tasted you

When  i pulled into Reagan the song went off. Don't you love when that happens?! Leaning into the backseat of my car i grabbed my backpack and went to get out of the car when all of a sudden something hit the side of my car. " WHAT THE HECK" i yelled shocked.

I looked around confused trying to figure out what was going on. This car means so much to me i swear i will lose it if anything is wrong. When i was looking towards the back of the car i noticed the silhouette of a person. Oh thank god no one backed into it   i thought.  im slightly relieved honestly, but that doesn't mean im not still pissed.

 I got out angrily looking up to see none other than the one and only Asher Belmore Reagan highs official bad boy. I noticed that he had been messing around with two other guys and he had pushed one of them into the back of my car, thankfully that was all.

 "Watch it next time, huh?" i said angrily normally I would've never said that especially to Asher but when it came to my car it was all i had. "Wow she can talk"he said laughing and looking at the two guys then back at me " of course i can" i snapped back. Without waiting for him to answer I grabbed my bag out of my car, locked it and left and started to make my way into the school. I could not afford to be late to my first class. 

Asher's POV: 

"Asher Asher WAKE UP!!" I heard my little sister Jessie yelling. I groaned wondering if i could just tune her out. "Come on Jessie i don't really have to go to school" I said trying to convince her that i didn't even though she knew i did. Jessie is a smart kid she is only four years old but she is a genius. I swear I'm 18 and i don't think i know as much as she does. I reluctantly got up knowing she wasn't going to stop yelling until i did. Mom normally sends her in here to wake me up cause she knows i would do anything for the kid.

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