Chapter 2

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Picture of Mila^^^^

Mila's POV

First block was going to be the death of me. I walked into the school and went straight to class because i don't normally talk to anyone at this school. As i got in there i sat down dreading the start of this class.

"So you're coming over tonight right Asher" I heard Carrie the biggest slut from Reagan high ask. "You know it babe" He replied.

Looking over he  noticing i was paying attention and winked in my direction. I quickly adverted my eyes away from him and the whole situation and looked out the window.

I suddenly felt a presence behind me. "No don't get all jealous sweetheart, you know you're still my favorite." Asher whispered in my ear.

"Shut up" i snipped back not wanting to give him the attention he so desperately wanted.

"Now class lets get started..." i heard Mr. Kicker say as he walked into the door of the classroom.

3 Hours later

Oh thank god that school is almost over i muttered to myself. Here comes the most dreaded part of my day lunch. Being the girl that no one really socializes with i normally sat by myself or with the awkward group of kids who all kinda sat together just to make it look like they had friends.

Not paying attention to wear i was going i suddenly hit something "Ow girl watch where the heck your going" someone snapped at me "Oh my gosh i'm so sorry i wasn't paying attention" I looked up seeing a girl i didn't notice, surprisingly contrary to her earlier statement she was laughing.

"Oh i'm just messing around girl don't be sorry, hi i'm Roxy Cane" she said "Oh um hi i'm Mila, are you sure you aren't upset i hit you kinda hard" i asked her worrying because i could tell this girl was different from the stuck up preps who only have their talk to back them up.

"Are you trying to convince me i should be mad or something, ha girl you're funny. Say where are you sitting?"

"Um honestly idk i'll probably just sit by myself" I muttered and started to walk away. "Oh no your not, girl you're coming to sit with me and my friends oh they will love you" she practically yelled while grabbing my arm and pulling me over to a table of 2 girls.

"Skylar, Journey this is Mila, she is gonna sit with us. Mila this is Skylar and Journey." she pointed out the two girls, they were both amazingly pretty like Roxy was. Roxy and Skylar both had long black hair that came down low on their waist while journey had long blonde hair that seemed to always look good no matter how she flipped/moved it.

Gosh i must look so out of place sitting here with them.

"Oh my gosh you're so pretty!" Journey exclaimed, Obviously she had eye problems poor thing.

"Oh you were the girl Asher Belmore was talking about earlier after first block, right? We have math together. Oh my gosh guys you should've seen this girl she shut Asher down like he was a piece of trash" Skylar told Roxy and Journey.

"That's the sexiest dang piece of trash i ever saw then" Roxy said laughing.

Suddenly i caught eyes with Asher. It felt like he had been staring for a while, maybe i just noticed. I tried to shake it off but with skylar statement and his staring i felt so uncomfortable.

"Um guys i have to go" I told them. Quickly Roxy got my number and I left as fast as i could. Not even caring that i would miss forth block I told the front desk lady i had an appointment and left the school practically running out to my car.

Ok I know what you're probably thinking.. did Mila Samuels just skip school?? Yes yes I did!

When I got out to my car i got in and tossed my bag in the backseat.

I knew I couldn't go home yet even though my parents wouldn't be their I knew the maid would be and being the sneaky woman she is she would tell them.

So instead of heading home I went to my uncles old car shop! My dad used to take me there all the time when I was little, it was one of my favorite places in this whole city!

When I pulled up I saw my uncles best friend Reggie Wallace! He is basically like my uncle too even though we technically aren't blood related. "Mila Samuels is that you?" Reggie asked almost in disbelief.

It'd been 5 years since the last time I can here. "Hey Reggie how've you been doing?" I asked enthusiastically as I went to give him a hug.

"Well kid I've been ok, still always worrying about you, say how are your parents doing?" He asked

"Reg if I knew I would tell you" I said and automatically I could see the look of sadness and guilt in his eyes. "Don't give me that" i said trying to convince him not to think like that.

"Say why don't you come back down to the track, you know you used to love it" Reggie asked excitedly.

"Come on, You know why i don't go. Not since the accident"


What do you guys think the accident is?

Thank you so much for reading!

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I'll try to update soon

Love, Madi

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