Chapter 11

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"Asher where have you..." I could see the sadness in his eyes as he saw Mila bruised and unconscious in my arms. "She is alive but she won't wake up"

Milas POV: (Before she blacked out)

After being knocked unconscious and drug out into the middle of nowhere I finally woke up. I looked around me not noticing too much. I looked down seeing that I had been tied to a chair in the middle of a cabin. I looked to the side seeing a man sitting in a chair asleep. I wiggled around trying to get out knocking the chair over. The loud bang seemed to wake up the man.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" He yelled jumping up coming to the chair picking it up so it was sitting upright. When he got it up suddenly my face was stinging and I'd realized he had slapped me.

"If I'm being honest I was looking for a way out," I said with a smirk on my face just deciding to be a bitch because I could.

"Smart ass," He said proceeding to hit me again and again. I finally couldn't be strong anymore and screamed in pain.

"What do you want me to stop Pretty girl?" He said smiling at me.

"Never," I said through my teeth then spitting on him

And that's the last thing I remembered because after that he hit me so hard I blacked out.

Ashers Pov:

"Ok her body is most likely in shock at the moment from the trauma she has been through," Reggie said while taking her from me and laying her down on a table.

"Look they still think the race is going to be at 6 and unless the dick back there has called my dad, they don't know we have her" Reggie cut me off from continuing my sentence.

"You dumbass, of course, he has called him!" He yelled

"Look.. we need to focus on her right now and getting her to wake up. We obviously can't take her to the hospital because of the track being involved," Reggie continued but I honestly zoned him out.

5:30 A.M.

Reggie and I were sitting and talking about the events that happened out at the cabin when all of a sudden we were cut off by a scream.

"Where am I" Mila yelled

"OH MY GOSH SHE'S AWAKE!" I yelled running over to where we had laid her down.

"Mila, Kitten, I'm here your at the track don't worry we got you,"

Without her even saying a word she went to jump up and hug me but when her feet hit the ground she collapsed screaming in pain.

I got down helping her back up onto the table.

"Ashe why can't I stand up," She asked in a shaky voice and it killed me knowing that I had no idea why she couldn't.

I looked back finding Reggie "You need to take her to the hospital, NOW," I said to him yelling the last part.

"What about you Asher?" He asked looking between me and Mila."My father's men are going to be here any minute either to kill me or to race me so I need to be here," I looked at Reggie pleadingly "No Ashe you can't, you can't stay!" Mila told me and I could see the pain in her eyes.

"I'll be fine take her," I told him and stood up walking away.

I could hear her yelling profanities at Reggie he pulled her away.

I decided to go work on my car just in case they still decided to race and not kill me. Walking outside and over to my car I caught glimpse of Reggie pulling away and all I wanted was for Mila to be ok. It killed me to see her in pain.

After about 20 minutes of working on my car, I noticed a car pull behind mine. I walked around to see who it was recognizing my father's car. "I see you learned more from me then I thought you had," He said while stepping out of his car while he little henchmen stepped out as well.

"Hello, John," I said staring at him emotionless. "Why are you here?" I asked

"Look I know you have her but I know something you don't, I have Reggie and your precious little lover could possibly be bleeding out in the back of a car somewhere. Yes, you took her from me, but if you want to keep her you will race me. Son face it I always get what I want."

"What do you mean you have Reggie?" I yelled "Well see your first mistake was taking her but your biggest was letting him take her to the hospital but don't worry she won't make it there. My men intercepted them on the road, so like I said if you want to keep her you will race," He said while gritting his teeth.

Knowing how my father actually feeds off emotion I remained emotionless even though inside I was dying "Okay" I simply agreed to shock him not knowing exactly what to say he just replied "Ok well lets go, now" Instead of replying I just nodded walking back to my car getting in and driving down to the start line.

"Ok both of you racers know the rules, 2 laps around the track first one over the line is the winner. Winner takes all!" The announcer yelled through the mic as the crowd got hyped for the race. Looking over I noticed the racer was Carlos. He gave me a face that almost made me think he was sorry.


He yelled at I and Carlos took off the whole race was fairly close until the end he started to get a lead so I decided to use Regs old trick. I sped up just enough to tip the back of his car and the moment when he got unsteady in his position right before the finish line I hit my turbo sending me over the line just before him. Realizing I'd won I went to hit the brakes and when I did they weren't working. Panicking a little I continued to hit them trying to make them work. Looking up I noticed I had no time to use my emergency break as I was about to crash right into the side of the canyon/mountain wall that hides the track. Instead of crashing into my car at about 100 Mph I jumped out of it, still a stupid idea but I had more of a chance of surviving.

I automatically felt the pain as I saw my car it the wall destroying it. I tried getting up but couldn't.

"I will keep my deal, My men are letting Reggie go as we speak. I'm proud of your racing son." MY father said while proceeding to kick me in the gut before walking away.

"Asher, Oh shit" I looked up seeing Carlos running over to my side trying to help me "Come on man you got to stay with me" I heard him say.

That was the last thing I heard him say before blacking out.

Reggie's POV:

As Johns men were letting me go I walked over to my car making sure Mila was still there, she was, I heard my phone start ringing. I looked down seeing Carlos' name.

"You little piece of ass what do you want?" I angrily said into the phone.

"Look Reggie I know you hate me but you need to meet me at the hospital, something's happened to Asher."


Woah Guys new POV's, Hope you enjoyed it even though it was short.

What do you guys think will happen to Ashe?

Anyway please comment what you thought about it and vote!

Love you guys so much


I thought I would just bless your eyes a little with this beautiful man!!! Merry almost Christmas!!!

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I thought I would just bless your eyes a little with this beautiful man!!! Merry almost Christmas!!!

Also who else is excited to see his^^ older brother James in 'why him'? Cause I totally am!!

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