Chapter 1

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Newt had never had the chance at love.

He was forced into prostitution when he was 14 years old by his parents who wanted more money. They knew that their son was someone who would attract clients and therefore they decided to sell him into the prostitute business.

Newt was terrified, he didn't know what was happening. Why was he in a strange room? Why was there a box under the bed with weird equipment in it? Well he thought it was equipment. Why did his parents never come back? Why was their a lock on the door? And why did the man who took him to his room say that he should 'get used to being here because he would be here for a long time?'

Newt still remembers his first client, oh how he remembers. The pain, the fear, the confusion. Newt didn't know then that he was sold into using his body for money. He was only 14. The first client, his name was Jake, oh how Newt would never forget that name. Jake walked into the room, only a day after Newt was admitted into this weird establishment. He closed the door and locked it, looking Newt in the eyes sternly with what could be seen as an angry look but Newt knows now that it was a look of dominance and intimidation. Newt would never forget the first words that came out of his mouth and the confusion and fear it caused.

"We're gonna have some fun"

Before Newt knew what was happening the man had walked over and  slipped his hand down the waistband of his sweatpants causing a loud whimper of fear to leave the young boys lips.

What was this man doing!?

Newt tried to struggle his way out of the mans grip but he was too strong. The man pressed down on the younger boys 'area', causing now a loud scream.

He'd never been touched before and this man was so rough, it hurt so much.

Tears were slipping from the younger boys eyes as the man continued to press his dirty hand roughly against him. He hiccuped and let out a stretched groan.

"Now, let's have us some real fun"

Newt didn't understand what that meant. He was only 14. He was already hurting from the mans rough touches and he could hardly  see straight from the tears. The man removed his hand and linked his fingers under the young boys waistband of his sweatpants, slipping them down. Newt let out a loud gasp, trying to get them back but failing.

The man slipped down the young boys boxers, exposing him and this caused a pain filled cry to escape the boys lips. Finally he had a small idea of what might be happening.

"N-no, ple-please don't! No n-no!" He cried, covering his face with his small hands as he continued to sob. He wanted this to be over.

The man laughed and before Newt could do anything he felt something roughly enter him. A squeal of pain left him as he gripped the sheets to his sides. He hadn't even heard the man take off his own pants. The man roughly thrusted harder and Newt could see stars dancing before his eyes. Tears were falling at a rapid rate and he couldn't think through his foggy mind.

"You're gonna be a good boy for me, aren't  you?" The man snarled, thrusting in again roughly causing Newt to scream out.
"You better stop the screaming or else I'll have to use the items that were reserved for later" the man said through a smirk but Newt couldn't hear any of it. His head was pounding and his body felt like it was on fire yet numb at the same time.

The man, finally, removed himself after what felt like hours, only to push back in with one final thrust. That was the one that hurt like nothing Newt had ever felt. A sob got caught in his throat as he gritted his teeth, a scream eventually being followed by a sob of pure pain.

The man finally retracted himself and pulled up his pants, leaving a sobbing Newt on the bed, shaking and crying.

"There will be more where that came from, just be glad that I know that was your first time, so I went easy, not so easy will be next time pretty face" the man said through a smirk as Newt continued to struggle for air.

The man reached under the bed to get out the box that Newt thought to be filled with equipment, why was he getting equipment? Newt eyes opened wide when he saw that the man was holding rope and a weird looking thing that looked like a plastic penis? He had never seen one of those before. Newt already knew what it was used for though. He tried to struggle backwards but the burning pain stopped him.

The man walked back to him, smirking at the shaking boy on the bed in front of him.

"Let's have some real fun"

Everything after that was a blur to Newt. He remembers that he was forced to give a blowjob whilst the man trusted the plastic thing into him which Newt had now learnt to be called a dildo. The rope was used a bit later to tie him to the headboard whilst the man had his way with him. Newt had never felt more broken in all his life.

After the man has finished with him, he untied Newt and threw his harshly into the mattress.

The man ran his fingers through Newts soft blond hair, tugging at it a harshly causing Newt to look up at him with swollen red eyes.

Without a word the man left, leaving Newt alone. He cried hard, harder than he had ever cried. He was hurting more than he could ever expect. His body was shaking and trembling and Newt thought that he would pass out. He didn't know what to do so he curled up into a ball, letting out several screams of pain in the process and cried.

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