Chapter 5

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Thomas POV

The boys hair was sticking up all over the place, his lips were swollen and bright pink with a small cut on the left side of his bottom lip. His eyes were red from crying and he had small cuts and bruises on his face. Red marks littered his neck and jawline as the boy tried to keep the rest of his body hidden.

"I d-didn't k-know I had anymore ap-appointments today" the boy whispered scratchily, cringing at the obvious pain that caused him.
"My friend made the appointment for me" Thomas whispered sadly, regretting ever walking into the poor boys room.
The boy looked up to Thomas's eyes and bit his pink lip and began to oust the blankets off him, whimpering softly at some points.
"What are you doing?" Thomas asked and the boy stopped, looking at Thomas with a confused look.
"You h-have an appointment, I ha-have to give you wh-what you paid f-for" Newt replied continuing to push the blankets off him revealing his bare and beaten chest covered in bruises, red marks and cuts and white pyjama bottoms which had spots of blood on them to Thomas's horror.

"No, Newt no please don't worry about it, there's no way I could as for anything from you" Thomas replied and Newt stopped moving.
"Newt don't worry about doing anything it's fine really. You look like you're in pain" Thomas whispered the last part and looked into Newts eyes.

Newts eyes started to fill with fresh tears but he tried to blink them away.
"W-what is your name?"
"Ok, Thomas, y-you paid and I need to g-give what you paid f-" he was cut off by a whimper, clutching his stomach and butting his lip. His breathing became rapid as he tried to hold back the loud cries that threatened to come through.
Thomas didn't know what to do but he knew that he wasn't going to let Newt do anything. He softly placed a hand on the poor boys back and rubbed soft circles. Newt flinched at the contact so Thomas retracted his hand.

After a few minutes Newts breathing calmed down and he opened his eyes.
"There is no way I'm letting you do anything, it's my appointment and I'm not letting you do a thing ok?" Thomas whispered to the boy who was now whining the tears that had slipped out from his flushed cheeks.
"It's o-ok"
"No it's not ok, you're clearly in pain Newt I'm not putting you through more pain than you need to go through"
Newt looked into Thomas's eyes, searching for any sign of a lie, that Thomas would just snap and push Newt onto the bed but there was nothing but genuine concern, something Newt wasn't used to.
"Please, Newt, it's ok"

Newt gave a timid nod and slowly pulled the blankets back over his battered body. He rested his back against the headboard and looked over to Thomas.
"Since I still have an appointment with you, is it ok if we just got to know each other? I'm sure you're a very interesting person" Thomas asked taking Newt by surprise.
"You want to t-talk to me?"
"If that's ok with you"
Newt gave a small nod, looking down at the blankets that covered his lower body.
"So, how long have you been doing this? Why did you choose this job?" Thomas asked and Newt looked to Thomas with a confused expression.
"I d-didn't choose this" Newt whispered and Thomas almost vomited when he heard the response.
"You didn't, you mean you were forced into this?"
Newt hesitated and then gave a small nod.
Thomas was speechless, he did t know what to say.
"Newt, how long have you been forced into this for?"
"Three years"
"How did you get here?"
"My pa-parents sold me, t-they needed the money"
"Newt I'm so sorry"
"D-don't be s-" another groan cut Newt off as he gripped the sheets to his sides.
"D-don't b-be sorry" he whispered sadly, a tear falling into his cheek.
"Newt, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in so much pain?"

Newt took a deep breath, another tear falling from his eye and onto his flushed cheek.
"P-people aren't g-gentle w-with me. Th-they hurt and are so r-rough. I ha-have at least 3 people a d-day and they are all m-men but the-they're always bigger than me and they h-hurt m-me"
Thomas could feel his chest tighten at the boys words, he looked so sad and genuinely hurt, not only physically but mentally.

"How many people did you have today, before me?" Thomas was dreading the answer.
Thomas closed his eyes and sighed. How could they let that happen to Newt?
"You're 17, right?"
"This isn't a life for a 17 year old." Thomas whispered to himself.

"Can I give you a hug?"
Newts breath hitched at the question and he swallowed. He bit his lip nervously and Thomas could see him struggling to make a decision"
"I won't hurt you I promise, it might make you feel better"
Newt considered the statement and eventually gave a small nod of approval.

Thomas moved closer to Newt and opened his arms, wrapping them around the small boy but being careful not to crush or hurt him. Newt wrapped his arms wearily around Thomas's waist and placed his head on his chest but he couldn't hold back the tears that threatened to break through and before he could attempt to stop it, he was crying again into Thomas chest.

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