Chapter 10

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Thomas POV

The time had finally come and both boys were standing outside the door of Wicked Treats. Minho gave Thomas a reassuring look, nodding as he pushed the door open, silently telling him to follow him though, which Thomas did.

They were 10 minutes early for the appointment, Thomas was hoping that would allow for a 10 minute head start on the process.

Both boys approached the desk, Minho behind Thomas as he pretended to be texting on his phone as if he was unaware of who Thomas was.

The plan was simple, Thomas go into his 'appointment' whilst Minho interrogate the receptionist about their policy on how to register to 'work' there. It was a pretty crap plan, both boys knew that, but they were hoping that would be enough of a distraction to be able to sneak Newt out. Thomas was wearing double layers of clothes, thus using some to dress Newt and make him less recognisable to the people they would pass.

In theory, it sounded a lot easier than it was actually going to be.

Thomas approached the desk, noticing that a strange screen was placed there, a small control panel and keyboard attached to it. The screen was facing away from Thomas, and although he was curious as to what was on it, he decided that after knowing more and more about this place, he would probably be better off not knowing.

"Hello there! Are you here for an appointment, to make an appointment or for information?" The receptionist asked, the same man from last time, a look of recognition flashed across his face as he looked up at Thomas.
"Ah! You're the boy from last week. Back for you're second appointment with Newt I see. Now you'll be pleased to know that you're his fourth client today so he is fully ready for whatever you have planned" the man said with a chuckle, bringing up something on his screen and clicking a few buttons.
"It appears you're a little early. Newt is currently with another client at the moment so if you could please take a seat I will notify you as to when it is clear to go" the man stated with a nod, gesturing to the couch to the left with a small table in the centre that held some magazines.

Currently with another client? The thought made a chill shoot through Thomas's spine. Before Thomas could take a seat the man from behind the desk called out to him.

"Oh! I almost forgot! As a part of the way that we run here at Wicked Treats, we have selected 5 random appointments to be recorded and distributed as a part of our advertising and congratulations! You're appointment has been chosen! You also get a copy of this video that will be sent to you within the next 3 days. Just thought I'd let you know of your luck!" The man stated, pointing at the strange screen. That must be what that screen was for. The dread begun to fill Thomas as he remembered why they were there. How were they going to break Newt out if they were being recorded?
"Uh- excuse me, I would really prefer to not-um- be recorded if that's ok" Thomas awkwardly stated to the man who shook his head.
"That's our policy here, we have the ability to record our clients whenever we please and as you booked an appointment, you checked the box that explained it all, this it being a part of the terms and conditions you signed." Thomas was lost for words, who ever reads the terms and conditions for anything? He could hear Minho cussing behind his back, clearly having heard the whole conversation.

"Um, so what is expected in the recording? Just so I'm aware" Thomas tried to sound as calm as possible, trying to hide the growing fear of what the man was about to say.
"Well it is a sex tape so that's exactly what is expected. I have a screen here that monitors everything though the cameras that are hidden in the room. Just do what you would normally do! Use the sex toys too! Be as kinky and wild as you can! The better your tape, the better for you! Newt is the client that we film the most from anyway so he knows that this session will be recorded so he will be ready to submit to anything you say!"

Thomas could feel his stomach begin to churn at the thought. He has come here to save Newt from this exact thing, yet now it appeared that Thomas was about to be forced into it.

Thomas took a seat on the couch which Minho had already sat down in, clearly aware that their plan had just been destroyed. Thomas looked over to the man who was typing away on his computer, tapping Minho on the shoulder. Minho looked over at him sadly, nodding in acknowledgment at the situation.

"What do I do? I can't just leave, it'll look suspicious. But I can't go in there and-" Thomas cut himself off, looking up at Minho who took in a deep breath.
"I don't think you have a choice here Thomas" Minho whispered back, Thomas's eyes widening at the statement.
"What? What do you mean?"
"You're just going to have to do it. We will make another appointment ok? We will get him out, but you're just going to have to do this man, I'm sorry" Minho was looking Thomas straight in the eyes.

Thomas was nervous, he had had sex before so that wasn't a problem, it was the situation. Thomas knew that Minho was right. There was literally no other way.

"Minho, I don't know what to do. It's being recorded! They want me to use the toys and stuff! I do t think I can do that to him"
"You're just going to have to push aside the reading for being here just for this appointment ok? Just think that this is his job, he is here to do this. He does this everyday"

That didn't make tho as feel better. He knew Minho was right, but he just didn't know what to do.

Thomas could deny that a small part of him was actually excited to see the boy wither under him, to hear his sweat moans as he gripped onto the bedsheets. Newt was incredibly attractive and if the situation wasn't what it was, Thomas wouldn't hesitate to want to feel what it would be like to bring the beautiful blonde to his release.

That thought scared Thomas, those thoughts stirred up another fear inside Thomas. What if he got carried away? Thomas shook his head to himself, no. He had to do this for Newt not himself. He would explain everything to the boy and tell him of the plan to break him out, and that he had just been told that they were being recorded and thus needed to put on a 'show'.

He really hoped that the boy would understand.

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