Chapter 4

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Thomas POV
"What do you mean tomorrow at 5?" Thomas asked, slightly taken aback by the suddenness of the answer.
"I know isn't it awsome and also there's one more thing"
Thomas hesitated and looked down at the boys photo again.
"He doesn't know you've booked an appointment. The guy who took the appointment asked if I wanted him to tell the kid in advance or to leave it as a surprise so I picked a surprise" Minho said laughing a little at the end.

Thomas felt a little disturbed. What if boy didn't want another appointment or what if he was sleeping? But that's his job right? He wouldn't be there if it wasn't his choice, right?

The next day
Minho came to pick up Thomas at 4:30 to drop him off at Wicked Treats. Thomas felt nervous. Not that it was his first time but he felt nervous that it was his first time doing anything at a place like this.
Minho pulled into the driveway and gave Thomas a small pay on the shoulder, smirking lake an idiot.
"Have fun buddy and give me a call when you're done"
"Uh, ok thanks for the ride"
Thomas slowly got out the car, closed the door and watched Minho reverse and drive away down the street.

Thomas looked up at the building ahead of him. It was painted a deep blue with the title of the place in yellow lighting. The Windows had bars over some of them but overall it looked to be well kept. Thomas took a deep breath and only then did he realise the coldness of the wind outside, and walked towards the door, opening it and stepping inside.

The place had a strange smell to it, like a mix of flowers and musk. Thomas walked up to the counter where a man was sitting behind a computer typing away.

"Uh, excuse me" Thomas said nervously and the man instantly looked up from his screen.
"Good evening young man, how may I assist you" the man replied to enthusiastically in Thomas's opinion.
"My friend booked an appointment for me?" It came out more as a question that a statement and the man gave a nod.
"Of course, name please and the paper containing the prostitutes details"
Thomas reached into his pocket and handed the paper.
"My name is Thomas"
The man looked down at the paper and his smile disappeared slightly.
"Ah, yes Thomas you would be here to have an appointment with Newt. Newt can prove to be a bit...difficult but I'm sure you will find him still to be just fine. He is one of our most popular after all" the man said, stamping that paper and looking down at his watch.
"Your appointment will begin in a few minutes so make your way down the hall to room 250, he should be in there but he won't be expecting you" the man said handing Thomas the paper back.
"Uh, thanks" Thomas nervously replied as he began walking down the hall until he was met with the door that said the number 250.

Thomas didn't know what to do. Did he open the door and say hi? Did he knock? Thomas really was nervous and knowing that the boy had no idea he was coming made him a bit more uneasy. Thomas chose to just slowly open the door and see if the boy was asleep, if he was then Thomas would just sit there until he woke up.

Thomas slowly turned the door handle and heard a click, he pushed it open and slowly made his at inside the room.
The room was dark, it had the curtains drawn shut and he could see that there was a small figure curled up under the blankets on the bed. Thomas was about to walk out, feeling bad about interrupting the boys sleep when he heard a muffled cry.

Thomas slowly turned back towards the boy and now he could hear him. There were muffled sobs and small groans of pain coming from the boy under the covers. The small lump of blankets was shaking slightly as the boy tried to keep himself quiet but failing miserably. Thomas slowly walked up to the boy but couldn't see him as he had pulled the covers over his head with only a few pieces of softly blonde hair sticking out.

"Um, are you ok" Thomas whispered and the boy under the blankets jumped at the sound of his voice. The boy slowly lifted the blankets away from his head to see who was there but Thomas could hear the whimpers that he was desperately trying to keep inside.

The boy revealed his small face to Thomas and Thomas couldn't hold back the gasp that escaped his lips.

The boy looked like a mess.

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