Chapter 7

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Thomas POV

The whole ride home was silent because Thomas had said that he'd explain once they got home. Thomas had told Minho to drop him off at his apartment and that he'd explain everything once they got there. Once they walked into the door Thomas finally began speaking.
"Minho, I didn't do anything in there" Thomas said, looking over to Minho who had sat himself down on the couch.
"Um, what?"
"I didn't do anything in there, like, nothing sexual or anything"
"What do you mean you didn't do anything? What did you do? Have a tea party with the boy?"
"No Minho, I went to the room and when I walked in there, he was under the blankets crying. Like really hard crying and when I went up to him he pulled the blankets away and his face was all bruised and had red marks, he looked so hurt and sad I couldn't do anything to the poor boy. He tried to sit up and push the blankets away so he could do some stuff but I said no. Minho his chest was battered and he had blood on his pyjama pants. I asked him why he chose this job and he said that he didn't, his parents left him there for money. He's only 17 Minho, I stayed with him and held him and he just cried into me."
Minho looked over to Thomas with wide eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but then closed it and took a deep breath.
"Dude, are you serious?"
"100% serious. I went back in there after to ask how many appointments Newt had for the next day and it says he has 4 a day for the next month not including the 14 'surprise' appointments. He's in pain Minho, I promised him I'd get him out you need to help me. I booked another appointment just so I could see him again but I'm his 5th person for that day, he'd already had 4 before me." Thomas placed his head in his hands and shock his head.
"Thomas, I don't know what to say. I had no idea he was there against his choice"
"It's not your fault Minho. I just need your help to get him out"
"Ok, I'm in. When's your next appointment?"
"Next Sunday from 7pm-10pm"
"I'll come with you but I'll wait in the waiting room ok? We can't get him out this soon it's too early but if you spend some time with him, I'll speak to the owner or something and ask how much it is to buy someone out or something I don't know I'll figure out something. If it comes to it, we'll sneak him out"

Thomas nodded his head but the reality dawned on him. Newt still had 9 days before the appointment. Thomas sighed and looked over to Minho.
"Don't worry Thomas, we'll get him out"
"I know, it's just, you didn't see his face. He cried so hard and he was in so much pain"
Minho nodded in silence and frowned.
"Do you want to spend the night at my place? Or I can stay here?"
"Nah it's ok, we'll figure it out"
"I better get going, it's getting late, see you soon"
"Alright, bye Minho"
Minho gave one last small grin and then closed the door behind him. Thomas sighed and looked up to the roof.

He needed to get Newt out of there, no matter what.

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