Chapter 9

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Thomas POV

Thomas looked down at his watch nervously, his foot tapping on the wooden floor repeatedly.
"Dude, everything will be ok, relax" Minho tried to calm the nervous boy down but he just looked over at him with a worried expression evident on his features.

It was exactly 24 hours until Thomas' next appointment with Newt, exactly 24 hours until the two boys will attempt to break him out.

A few days had passed and they had come up with a plan. If Thomas was being honest, it was a pretty shit plan and it has so many opportunities for it to fail but he refused to go back on his word to Newt.

Minho had questioned Thomas 2 days ago about the reasoning for his eagerness to help this boy. He had only met him once, but Thomas had only responded with a sigh. "He looked so broken, I couldn't just let him keep going through that Minho". Minho had nodded in agreement, the severity of the situation becoming clear to him.

The truth was, Thomas had no idea why he was so concerned about the boy. He had only met him once, and that is the boys job, but then the memory of his tear stricken face, bruised body and broken sobs remind him of why he knew that he had to help save the poor boy.

Suddenly, a shout from the other side of the room caught Thomas's attention.
"Thomas! Get over here right now and read this!" Minho yelled, pointing at his laptop screen, a look of disbelief covering his face.

Thomas sprung to his feet, walking over to where his friend was sitting and leaned down to read what was displayed on the laptop screen.

It was an article with the bold headline 'PROSTITUTION ESTABLISHMENT WICKED TREATS CHARGED $4 000 000 FOR ILLEGAL OPERATION' Thomas quickly read the article, shocked at what was displayed on the screen in front of him.

'Prostitution establishment Wicked Treats has been found to have been operating under a false licence. The establishment was found to have held 6 prostitutes, the youngest being only 16 years old. It has been reported that most have been voluntary admitted to the establishment, with only one having been admitted as a minor. Police have been able to confirm that the running of this establishment is illegal and breaks many ethical codes and this demands it's closing, the establishment have not made a statement regarding their closing'

Thomas couldn't believe what he was reading. He then looked at the date of publication, over a year ago. Why are they still operating?

Newt was being prostituted not only against his will, but also illegally. Thomas looked over the article again and the realisation hit him. Newt was who they were talking about, he is the youngest one there.

Thomas didn't know how to react, a sadness washed over him as the treatment of this poor boy seemed to get worse with every new piece of information.

"Thomas, it's ok, we'll get him out" Minho tried to reassure him, but Thomas' mind was filled with thoughts of the fragile blonde boy. He was probably being used right now, having to give his client what they paid for.

Thomas looked at the clock and sighed, then back at his friend who was still scrolling on the laptop.
"Minho? How did you find out about that place?"
"A friend told me about it once" he said back and Thomas nodded, "and if you're going to ask if I've actually been the answer is no" Thomas looked down again. How were they going to pull this off?

Even if they did, what then? They had decided that he could live with Thomas until they figured something out, but what if the boy didn't want to?

"Thomas, I'm going to head off. Get some sleep ok? Everything will be ok" Minho stated as he stood up from his seat and packed up his things. He waved a silent goodbye, Thomas doing the same.

It was clear they were both nervous about this, even if Thomas showed it more. Thomas placed his head in his hands and let out a deep breath, hoping that everything would go smoothly, that he would be able to fulfil is promise. 

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