Chapter 8

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Derek's POV:

I became a wreck , my brother had a gun in his hand to his head. He's my only brother and the only one I want. Why did I have to be so jealous that I had to ruin his life?

" Derek , I know that you said you're sorry and I accept it but you're not the only reason. Infact this reason is worse to what you have done to me, that's why I'm forgiving you. Yes I would've eventually but today is my last." He pulled the trigger back

" Goodbye Derek , I love you " Justin let tears stroll down the sides of his face.

" Not on my watch "

I tackled him fighting to get the gun. Eventually I got hold of it , but forgot that the gun was still loaded. The next thing you know i'm feeling an undescribably pain in my stomach. Now I know what Justin has felt, No Justin didn't shoot me. I shot myself.

Justin's POV:

Derek he shot himself, why Derek just why did you do this? My heart dropped when the gun went off , knowing that it wasn't me who had gotten shot worried me sick. The only person could have been Derek and it was.

" Derek stay with me please I can't lose you please wake up! Talk to me Derek! " I cried even harder

He layed there looking dead not moving any kind of muscle or bone in his body. Is Derek dead?

" Mom he , Derek's dead " She held me close

" Honey calm down, first you need to check his heartbeat and pulse to see if he is ok" Mom let go and knelt down to his side.

" What is it, tell me mom! " My anxiety escalated

" No he isn't dead , call the police "

" Already done , they're on their way up here " Principal Larkson said walking me off of the roof top

" Principal Larkson , will Derek be ok? " My head was still down

" I'm sure he will be , after all Derek is a strong kid , he'll fight through it , I guarantee it. "

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