Chapter 80

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Derek's POV:

When we got out of the car Justin carried me inside of the hospital , I don't know why i'm here but I trust him. While waiting in the awaiting area I begged him for a dog but Justin kept on saying no to me which got me really upset. He even yelled and I don't like yelling especially if it's towards me.

" Derek baby i'm sorry ok I didn't mean to yell at you forgive me baby? " I pouted

" No i'm not going to forgive you , I WANT A DOG JUSTIN!!! " I yelled

" Dammit Derek stop the fucking yelling " He hissed

" Derek Bieber " The doctor said

" Yeah over here " Justin carried me to the room

" Alright what seems to be the problem Derek? Do you know why you're here?" I laughed at the doctor

" Nope " I smiled widely

" He's here because Derek lately has uh been very sensitive and taking blame for everything even if it doesn't involve him. We don't know why and before we came here that abondonment animal commercial came on and he was apologizing and everything it was weird. Derek's been like this for quite sometime " Justin stated as the doctor looked at me

" Ahhh I see ok then Derek i'm going to test you on somethings ok? " I reached for Justin.

" It's ok baby relax he's not going to hurt you ok " Justin said softly relaxing me.

" Derek i'm going to play a commercial for you ok? It's just to see what's going on " He turned on the commercial and I began to cry hysterically

" JUSTIN I WANT " I yelled crying

" I've never seen that ever in my entire life of being a doctor. " He looked at me

" Shhh relax baby boy we can't get one right now " The doctor looked at Justin

Justin's POV:

So far Derek isn't doing so well with the test , it's a disaster. It's complicated and hard to watch all of this happen. Thank God Jacklyn and Destiny came with me because I don't know how I would've done this by myself.

" Test two Justin I will put you outside and see what he does ok? " I nodded " Just tell him you're leaving or something then walk out until I say come back in "

" Hey babe i'm leaving now ok i'll be back later " I started waving bye to Derek while heading towards the door

" JuJu " I wanted to turn around and run to him but I couldn't as much as I wanted to

" Baby stay there ok I'll be back later to come pick you up alright " Derek's face turned red as I closer the door shut.

After I shut the door I immeadiately heard screaming from behind the door and Derek whimpering through it. The doctor knocked on the door and told me to come back in and I did. When I walked back in seeing Derek put on a huge smile , jumping up and down happy that I was back from behind the door........

" My baby's back " Derek sang smiling

" Just could I talk to you for a second please? " The doctor asked

" Sure of course " He walked over to the side

" I'm not certain but I think Derek maybe Bi-Polar. There's many reasons why:

1. He's really sensitive

2. When you said no to the dog ealier he went from fine to angry

3. When you walked in he went from sad to happy and a singing mood

4. He's also stubborn as I can see

" I never thought he would be though and stubborn? Derek's been stubborn all his life so i'm not surprised there to be honest with you. " The doctor sighed

" I can run some Cat Scans and an MRI right now? It may take a few hours though " I nodded in agreement

" As long as I find out what's wrong with him you can do as many test neccessary " I looked over to Derek

" Great we'll take him for test now , feel free to sit and relax " Derek came over to me

" Hey baby you're going to get some test alright i'll be here with you i'm not leaving alright " Derek nodded slowly

" Ok babe " I smiled pecking his lips

" Good baby now come on " The doctor walked out with Derek

-4 1/2 Later-

"What's taking Derek so long?"Jacklyn asked

" MRI or CTScan " I mummbled

" Don't worry i'm sure everything's going to be fine " The doctor and Derek walked through the door

" Hey baby " Derek sat on my lap

" How was everything babe? " He chuckled

" What happened to your face? " Destiny asked the doctor

" Complications anyways Derek is bi polar and needs to take medication in order to keep this all under control " I sighed

" Alright thanks for everything and sorry about your face " I took the prescription and started to walk out

" No problem happens all the time in my job so it's nothing new " We walked to the car then drove home

" Derek everything maybe chaotic for a while so I want to let you know that i'm going to be with you the whole time ok?" Derek kissed me

" Yes JuJu " I returned the kiss


Sooooo Derek is bi polar and Justin still didn't get Derek a dog <------- That's the bad new

Good News is i'm not ending Jerek Forever<3 I will on like the hundreth chapter to start the sequel but there will be series to this book since it was my first one :-)

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