Chapter 81

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Justin's POV:

It's been a few hours since we came back from the hospital with Derek , I'm surprised about how many prescr- iptions the doctor had given him.

So far Derek was supposed to take some like a half hour ago but I'm not able to get him to take them he keeps on refusing to. He's kicking , screaming , and throwing fits which is making this job a whole lot more complicated then it already is.

" Derek you need to take the medicine now I'm not joking " He thre a tantrum


" Hey hey hey-Derek what's with all the yelling calm yourself? Justin what are these pills for? " I sighed

" We took Derek to the hospital not long ago , a few hours , and the doctor had declared that he is bi-polar he didn't say what type it was though but he gave me prescriptions for medicine for Derek and he's giving me a hard time about taking it , I've been at this for a half hour now. Mom can you please help me? He also has to take his medicine for his seizures and he's also refusing to take them aswell. " I groaned in annoyance

" Sure Justin give me the pills please " I handed them over to my mom

" Derek I'm giving you your medicine ok? Give me your hand please " He refused again and started to yell again

" WHAT PART OF IM NOT GOING TO TAKE MY MEDICINE DON'T YOU GUYS UNDERSTAND " He slammed his fist on the table and stormed upstairs throwing the pills on the floor

" Justin you need to control that beast you call baby boy , that's not Derek and we all know that on many many reasons. " My mom said sincerely

" I know that mom it's not Derek it's me I'm not a good husband to him at all. Everything is my fault I don't give him what he wants , I'm not there for him , ma let's face it I'm just a terrible person. " Mom supported me

" No you're not you're a great husband to Derek he's just probably scared that you'll leave him. He told me that a little while back he had a dream that you had left him and never returned with the kids , and that he was all alone by himself. It's supporting of you to make sure Derek was ok , he is Justin you may not see it but he is. No matter how many tantrums he throws , cries , screams , or begs, it's not what he really wants , he wants you and he does all this because he loves you. "

Derek walked silently into the kitchen picking the pills up off of the floor wiping them then taking all of his medicine , then walking over hugging me and kissing me.

" I love you juju " Derek dug his face into my neck

" I love you too babyboy " Mom awed

" You see Justin he's always going to come back to you no matter what happens you just got to believe " She walked out

" What are you doing babe?" Derek smiled

" Loving on you because I love you and YOU'RE MINE " Derek yelled

" Yes baby " I chuckled " I'm no one else's but yours ok babe I'm only yours forever and always I love you and only you " I kissed him passionately

" Babe. " He looked up

" Derek. " I rose an eyebrow

" Can we have sex pleaseeeeeeeeee? " He begged

" I'm sorry baby but we still can't " Derek grabbed at my dick

" Yeah we can " Derek winked and gripped more firmly

I moaned then started pulling Derek by the arm bringing him upstairs into the bedroom. Derek but his lip as I layed him down on the bed as things got heated quickly. My dick was getting hardened as he grinded against me , it felt so good but I felt like I was hurting his head or something.

" Derek we can't I'm sorry baby but we can't I'm not risking anything on having you getting hurt " He pouted

" Baby I won't get hurt anymore then I am " I sighed

" Still baby I don't wanna take any chances ok? "

We sat on the bed and watched tv until Derek started asking for that dog again

" No babe we're not getting a dog ok? Last time I'm telling you this " Derek looked at me with hatred in his eyes

" I hate you " Derek spat before getting up and slamming the door

What did I do ? I'm sorry...

Derek's POV:

What did I just say? I didn't mean to say that to Justin I was just really angry that I couldn't control myself. I'm really sorry juju I hope you'll forgive me for what I said. My mom walked in and looked at me asking what's going on.

" I just want to be left alone right now ok just please leave me be. " She slowly nodded

" Alright I'll leave you be but just to let you know , Justin's not home right now so when he gets back you should know what to do " I nodded

" I know mom I'm not little anymore I can learn from my mistakes. I made the bed and I'll lay in it " Mom walked out

- 2 hours later -

" Hey Der " Justin walked in

" Baby I'm so so so so sorry I didn't mean to say that to you I love you very muh with all my heart I didn't mean it " I cried in the crook of his neck

" Don't apologize to me babe it's ok it's my fault I didn't listen to what you wanted the first time and I'm here to fulfill that " Justin took his arms out from behind

" Babyyyy you shouldn't of with what I just did to you " I looked down

" I know but if it makes you happy , and it's something you've been wanting for a bit now , why not? " I kisses Justin

" Thanks baby " I took the little husky pup from his hands

" No need to thank me baby you're here that's all that matters to me "

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