Getting busy doing nothing

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Hello people who actually read this book😂
Again I'm sorry I haven't updated.....but I guess this book isn't one that I'm gonna be updating every day. Most recent developments? I had two tests, maths and science (which was all three sciences in one test). Science was pretty easy but I don't know how I did yet. In maths I didn't get time to think everything through properly as well as finishing all the questions, so I kinda did badly....but I've had worse and people I know have had worse, so it wasn't terrible. Luckily, my parents are awesome too and they don't care what I get really, not in a bad way. I mean they want me to improve and they know that tests are hard and I did the best I could.

What else? was my best friend's birthday, rehearsals are busy, school is very busy, last weekend was very busy too but I saw my relatives from Scotland so yay!  I'm carrying on with my job for now, if anyone else here does karate, we just learned the 4th kata (idk if that's how you write it please forgive me if I'm wrong) if you're interested😂, and I finally got a creative writing homework for English.

Today I went to the cinema with some friends as a sort of party and I've been working  ever since....I said school was busy. Good news? I'm done for now. But the bad news is I don't know if I'm going to update this weekend either because I want some more time to do other things that I want to do. And my brain has been quite busy. But I could still update, and I'll be busier during the week.....I still have to decide. I'll let you know what I decide after I plan things out.

Sorry for the long chapter, I hope you guys had/have a great day and I'll update later if I can:)

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