Road trip thoughts

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I'm so tired I didn't even sleep

Time for queen YEEEEE

I should probably try to write

Writing is difficult I wanna do something else

*gets distracted by my favourite queen songs*

Sisters I stg


We are now in Belgium

ah yes the lady gaga cd of my childhood

*skips some songs and gets to bohemian rhapsody* its time to jam

Writing is slow but it's happening

I want to finish this chapter

Why am I fangirling over Queen

I don't know if I should be worried about this cough

Piece of advice: listening to your current loved music and writing are best done separately

I need a break from writing

I just went through an entire playlist of Queen (some songs excepted)

Let's have Olly murs he's cool

We are in France

*texts friend who got me to listen to queen except I have to send them later because I have no wifi*

I need a break from writing let's play games and tell my sister about Shakespeare

We are at the boat and waiting


All the types of the people you see at a ferry queue😂

We are on the boat, and there is apparently wifi but there might as well not be

Hot chocolate and muffins yay

My family are awesome. Sometimes

I can write, I can finish this

2 hours later we're in England . The car and everything is covered in salt spray

Nearly done with that chapter

I finished!

This calls for....Lin Manuel Miranda!

Does anyone else just listen to musicals and pretend you're in them

Forever bitter that unstoppable and warrior face didn't get into Moana

I am so grateful for this playlist that is purely Lin I am missing him if that makes sense

My sisters are making fun of my dramatic mime performances. Well they're the ones who won't let me sing

I'm listening to queen again. No regrets

"If you ever are in a musical I don't think I could manage to watch it because I've had enough of your singing" oh thanks great I'm really inspired now.

My sisters were playing a game to identify music notes lol sight reading is hard but I have to do it a lot

We're gonna stop soon and I'm not sure what to do next I'm kinda bored

I Want to Break Free-pretty accurate when you're sitting In a car for ages

We have stopped, so more stretching and food😂

We have a new BICYCLE! BICYCLE! (That was a reference)

As Groffsauce said, What comes next?

I think I wanna read. Reading is good

I saw a sign for Cecil road. Carlos would approve

"Everywhere in England looks the same" hahah

I have an important decision to make. Should I read Romeo and Juliet, supernatural fanfic or The Knife of letting go?

Omg I can't listen to Lin's London playlists and I'm kinda sad, I feel like I should because I'm in England

I  recommend this fanfic to any supernatural fan. It may contain spoilers if you're not fully up to date but it's really good.
If I Knew Then What I Know Now, by What you see in the shadows

Does anyone really like Shakespeare? Well I do. If you do too, great and feel free to talk. If you don't, I accept that's your opinion, but you're kinda missing out

My sister is drawing without looking at the paper haha, she's generally really good, you can check out her art book 1_storytorulethemall

ok I'm emotional, because long story short Sammy is 5 years old in this fanfic now and he's just been traumatised on a hunt because he was forced there and treated badly MY POOR SAMMY

I was so excited for Sammy to grow up but now I realise it will be an excuse for the author to hurt him again.

You can tell I'm a Sammy girl😂



we are entering the place but I don't wanna stop reading

We've arrived! Time to bring suitcases in. Thanks for reading

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