My dearest, Angelica

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Hey everyone just updating! Hope you guys enjoyed the latest chapter of superwholock.
I've been pretty busy but not too busy which is nice!
I'm going to on a school trip next week and then we have holidays so updates might be a bit scattered. I'm excited though!
My English teacher gave me chocolate today because I read Sam's "there's some good in this world" at prizegiving😂 
Have a Lin

 I'm excited though! My English teacher gave me chocolate today because I read Sam's "there's some good in this world" at prizegiving😂  Have a Lin

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This man is my idol and I think I am so lucky to have him to inspire me. Seriously if you don't know Linamon roll, you're missing out on not only the dorkiest genius ever, but, and I quote "one of the greatest pieces of art ever made".  Everyone needs a Lin.
I hope you guys are all having great days! You are all worth it. Go do something that will make you happy.

I need to revise😂 until next time!

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