Supernatural season 12 finale (spoilers!!)

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Cas died on a Thursday
I still want to cry because he deserved so much more? He is such a precious cinnamon roll character who does his best for everyone and he really deserved happiness and to see the world he wanted without pain. It's just not fair....

And as for Sam and dean, well Dean is probably going to blame himself and that's not ok because he already hates himself too much and Cas was one of the only people he lived for. And what about destiel??

Sam has already lost so much, and he's always had to be the one who stays hopeful. I really hate to think of them both as blaming themselves for losing yet another member of their family. On the other hand, that little independent moment Sam had and his amazing speech and the thing with "bitch" and "jerk" I LOVED IT.

The rest of the episode was actually really good. Finally they stopped the British men of letters because they were completely out of control and greedy for power. I felt a little sorry, only a bit, for the woman who helped dean even after she brainwashed Mary.
But I have to confess I don't think I'll lose any sleep over Ketch😂

Dean finally got to use his grenade launcher!! Yas!! That was a great moment. And that family moment at the end was one of my favourites because Mary has been given a second chance and they were finally all together.

What was the deal with Rowena? It kind of annoys me because she is the only character who is Scottish like me and is a sassy fabulous queen, but she didn't get any closure at all before she apparently died? Disappointed.....

I didn't love or hate Crowley, but I do think it was quite a good gesture he made to trap Lucifer and save Sam and dean, and when he realised that he didn't want to be king of hell after all it was a pretty good character development, even if Mary did end up with Lucifer *gulp* she's now joined the club of "Winchesters who have had personal experience with the devil"

As for Kate and Lucifer, I thought she was a pretty nice character and the moments she had with Cas were cute (but destiel rules all. I will go down with this ship) and I'm curious how her son will turn out.
Lucifer has always been an awesome character, but I hope you'll understand that locking him in an alternate universe isn't making me that sad after he killed Rowena and Cas and now he's probably not going to be nice to Mary

Overall it was a strong season finale, and it broke all of our hearts(again) but we are a supernatural family and we will always keep fighting. There is a lot of potential for more plot twists, remember, there are alternate versions of dead people out there somewhere. Also, they're probably going to have to open that portal to get Mary back at some point, and I feel like Luci won't pass up that escape opportunity. We will just have to see how Jack turns out and if Sam and dean manage to recover. My fellow destiel shippers, it was one of my worst nightmares for one member of my otp to watch the other die, but we will go down with this ship, and pray that there is still a chance Cas will come back (I'm kinda still in denial/shock)

Sorry for the huge rant! What did you guys think? I think the whole fandom is still in a state of shock. Why are the writers like this? Anyway, hope you liked this and bye! New chapter should be coming soon

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