Season 12!! (Spoilers!) (duh)

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So I watched Keep Calm and Carry On (my wayward son) yesterday and I'm gonna post some opinion/review things.
I really liked it overall! I'm so glad Mary is back and the Winchesters can be a family again! Although Sammy doesn't know that.
Mary and Cas were great and I really hope they're gonna be friends (is that a computer? Yes. I don't trust them😂)
Plus it's so funny how everyone is noticing every possible bit of Destiel subtext already (the impala look. And that hug)
I really hope Mary ships Destiel because that would be hilarious.
Dean and Cas were just cute and as usual awkward this episode. I did feel sorry for Mary though, like even coming back must have been jarring, to use Cas' words, and now she's found out her children were raised exactly how she didn't want them to be raised, and she had to kill someone to save them.
As a whole the British men of letters could be good, it sounds like they're efficient and maybe they do want to help. But of course I can't help kinda hating Toni(I think that's her name) for first what she did to Sammy (you can tell I was never a Dean girl) and secondly, she really didn't have to go that far!
I mean you want names, sure. But does that mean shooting them, tying them up and putting them through immense pain is ok? No. And seriously. All he did was say no. Once. That was before she did all that. He had every right to say no because being a Winchester, he probably has trust issues and that's understandable after you shot him. She jumped straight to the wrong conclusion when she could have gone so much easier on him. "No one can take that much pain and not break" ? Yeah, you don't know much about Sam Winchester then. Seriously Toni, let it go. There's something called asking nicely, and generally that's what people who are "here to help" do.
That was kinda my biggest problem with it. As well as the fact that I don't want Sammy to be put through anymore of that because 1) it's uneccesary like I just said and 2) he's literally been through everything why him? Why now? When he could be at home with his, unknowingly to him, reformed family?
Oh yeah, because it's supernatural.....
And the there's the thing with Lucifer and hell. I can see Crowley will stop at nothing. I'd prefer him to be King anyway I think because obviously he has flaws, but lucifer might start stirring up conflicts and getting revenge. True, he didn't do that when he was possessing Cas, but he was busy with the darkness and keeping up his alibi. I don't hate him, and he is misunderstood (this is why people are creeped out by our fandom) but I still feel like him as King would be worse. So vote Crowley😂 it's a bit like choosing between Hillary and trump though. Either way you can't completely win.
Apart from Sammy's kidnap, the only other problem I had was the "I lost my brother he's been kidnapped by people who are much better than us and they say they want to help" storyline because it was a it repetitive. But it wasn't bad. And it was such a great episode!
I'm sorry if I sounded really mean earlier...please forgive me! 😅
What did you guys think of it?:)
(And yes that was a reference to cinema sins at the top😏)

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