Make america (not) great again

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Somethings i said from Instagram about the election.

Great job America!
Have fun with your LGBT discriminating, racist, sexist, minority hating, oil burning, climate change denying, women groping president. .
I'm glad I live in Europe.

So I've had a day to discover even more about this and....
Stay safe, everyone. I don't understand why some people hate so much and as a Hamilton fan I think Alexander would be so disappointed in this.  I'm honestly kinda scared.
But anyway. We've got a rough 4 years ahead. Make your own opinion of things. But whoever you support,  know that it's wrong to hate minorities because they're different.
If you are part of a minority, you're amazing! Please please don't let all the hate make you be any less of an amazing person. You can do this, I'm with you.❤️

This is actually hilarious when you're a Hamilton fan

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This is actually hilarious when you're a Hamilton fan

This is actually hilarious when you're a Hamilton fan

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This is such a fitting song for Brexit and trump. I just love it. It's called What Do you Do by The Proclaimers and they are Scottish but it fits for a lot of other things.
"I'll never be constrained by another man's ideas now"
"Poverty and failure aren't what I'm after"
"But they closed the factories down, pal"
"Gonna find out where the nerve's gone"
"Next time she might vote, and so might the others, but time is running out, pal. They're giving up in numbers"

He didn't even originally set out to become president like how?? Why would you vote for someone who can do so much harm? And please don't say "he's stupid. Hilary's worse" because he has sexual assault records, literally pushes people who aren't white out of his rallies and is basically another Hitler minus the determination to have control over everything. She's corrupt , but they all are and at least she has ideas that don't harm innocent minorities.

As for the "Trump will make changes and with Hilary everything would stay the same" I can see your point, but all I can say is why do we have to get someone this horrible just to change things?

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