To The Team Crafted Fandom

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Dear Team Crafted Fandom,

People are saying that December 7th, 2013 is the day our fandom fell apart. I don't want it to be true. We still have a chance to turn things back around. But, our window of opportunity is closing. And it's closing fast. We can't let it shut.

Here's the story:
On August 12th, 2013, SetoSorcerer was kicked from Team Crafted. This put him into a state of depression, and since he released the news, he had two severe depressions.

On December 7th, 2013, Seto released a video explaining what happened. According to him, it was BajanCanadian (Mitch) who brought up the idea to kick Seto. The Team took a vote and everyone except Deadlox (Ty) was in agreement with BajanCanadian. Without any warning, Seto was kicked out of TC.
Seto stated in his video that he wanted no hate towards any members of the Team, that he was moving on himself, and that he just wanted to tell his fans what happened.

The video was deleted 30 minutes after it was posted, but another fan filmed it and re-uploaded it.

With this news, fans went beserk. People who weren't even complete fans of Seto were suddenly turning their backs on the Team. BajanCanadian was hit with the most amount of hate, and people were also crushing SkyDoesMinecraft with hate.

BajanCanadian posted a vlog about the whole thing. He told his viewers that he wouldn't explain what was going on, but he did accept all the hate. He told everyone to dislike the video if they wanted, and leave as many nasty comments as they wanted. He told them to get it all out of their systems. And god, people did. The video currently has over 38 thousand dislikes, nearing the halfway point between likes and dislikes.

Reasons for Seto being kicked:

•Business Affairs (The rest of the Team wanted to get into some business stuff and Seto didn't)
• Publicity (Seto didn't want to show his face which was a problem when people wanted all of TC at their events)
• Age (this one is kind of unspoken, but you get the feeling that since Seto was so much younger, he didn't really fit in)

Here's the whole problem:

This fight between the people on SetoSorcerer's side and the people on TC's side is tearing this fandom apart!!! I have some advice for both sides.

Seto's Side: Seto clearly stated that he doesn't want any hate on TC. Besides that, Kermit was kicked. So was Caveman. They had fans, just like you. Nobody went into an uproar about them, did they? I fully agree that Seto is amazing, but he has also accepted the fact that he is off the Team and is moving on. You should too. I fully understand that you're getting your feelings out. But, please, do that on Mitch's vlog, where he specifically told you that you could. Please, don't go screaming your head off on some other video. It's (and I say this in the nicest way possible) kind of rude.

TC's Side: Stop screaming at Seto's fans to leave TC alone. Yes, I agree they are being a little mean, but they are UPSET. Upset is just a feeling, and we're all humans. We act on our feelings. They are upset, and they are trying to get it out of their system. By screaming at them, you make them angry, thinking that you're saying that you hate Seto, and they will act upon that feeling as well. Mitch put that vlog there for a reason. Let them get all their feelings out, then we can all chill and get on with our lives. Our lovely, fandom-filled lives.

Do you see now? This is all some ridiculous fight that could easily be solved. I don't know about you (but I'm feeling 22), but the entire Team Crafted fandom is like family to me. You, you girl gamer who is afraid to admit you like TC, you're my sister. And I love you. You, you boy dealing with depression and is going to TC for a laugh, you're my brother. And I love you. Anyone, anyone at all. No matter what your backstory is, or who you are today, you are my sibling. And I love you. Although we may never meet, or never speak, you are my TC sisters and brothers. And in the past three years, we have grown closer together as a family.

I would hate to see a fight like this one tear this amazing family apart.

I love you all,

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