Who is she

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She comes with the night air I'm gone before she wakes.

She shivers as I'm a ghost while she is busy on the phone.

She nods and smiles when I talk as if she doesn't hear my pain.

She denies anything she does wrong,

She piles lies on lies so thick I no longer know what is true.

She destroys everything that made me happy.

She claimed me my master my owner my mother.

Where is she when I'm sad?

Where is she when I'm sick?

Where is she when I'm hungry?

Where is she when I need help with math?

Where is she when I should be held up high

Where is she when I Need that motherly love and understanding.

Where is my mommy?

Who is this selfish monster with her strange men.

Why will she not let me be with my father?

He never did anything to her except to try and save me.

I miss my Daddy and my Alex.

I miss my home and my friends. The few friends I have are all that I need.

Plans I must make plans of escape.

1st I will map out my way home. Thank god for the Internet! I will jump a train if I have 2!

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