Chapter 1

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Amp=Tyler Kristofer=Daddy Meg=me,my

*Meg's POV*

For some reason I felt the urge to go to the local kink bar on Friday night so I did. I got to the bar and had no idea why I was there and what I was doing. I just turned 18 and have heard a little bit about kink from stuff online but never really researched it. I walked in to see a ton of men in leather, harnesses, hoods, latex, and a lot of other stuff I have no idea what it is. I feel really awkward since I only see a couple of other females in the bar, and because I feel like I'm totally undressed for this place and look like I don't belong.

I walk to the bar and order a pop before going to sit down at a table. I just turned 18 and I'm at a bar with men, who are way older than me , and I have no idea what to do! Maybe I should just leave. I was just about to leave when I felt something brush up against my leg. I look down to see a man in a hood shaped like a dog's face on all fours looking up at me wagging his tail. I had no idea what to do. Should I pet him or should I ignore him? I looked at him one more time and noticed there was a collar around his neck, from what I have read online when someone is wearing a collar you should not touch them unless you ask if it's okay from the person who owns the person wearing the collar. So I ignored the man even though I really did want to pet him, he was really cute.

*Tyler's POV*

I was watching one of my pup friends go up to everyone he saw asking for scratches when Kristofer placed his hand on my head. I didn't wear my hood today so I was just wearing a jockstrap, collar, leash, non-insertable tail, knee pads, and puppy mitts. Kristofer is my Daddy and I am his puppy. He looks out for me and I for him. I looked up at him from my place on floor kneeling at his feet to see him staring at someone. I couldn't see who because I was on the ground but I really wanted to. Before I could ask to stand Kristofer stood up, "Stay here, pup." I barked as he walked away in the direction he was staring.

I looked around the bar in hopes of finding a puppy to play with when my eyes landed on the most beautiful person I have ever seen since Kristofer. Wait! What am I saying? I'm gay, I like men, why am I saying this female is the most beautiful person since Kristofer?!? I don't know but I really want to go meet her, but Daddy told me to stay so I must listen, so I will just watch her until Daddy comes back. After a few seconds of watching her she got up and started to leave. NO! She can't leave yet, I haven't met her! I rushed after her on all fours disregarding what Daddy said about staying. Right before she was about to open the door to leave I let out a bark and she instantly froze.

*Meg's POV*

I was on my way out the door when I heard a bark that seemed to be coming from right behind me. I turned around to see the most beautiful man in the world dressed up as the cutest puppy in the world looking up at me with pleading eyes. He had a collar on with a padlock so I don't know why he was stopping me. I turned to leave again but he started to whine. I walked away from the door so other people could get in and the man followed me on all fours. I sat down at the nearest table and he came and sat at my feet. I held out my hand for him to sniff and he did. He wagged his tail excitedly and barked repeatedly, so I started to pet him.


*Tyler's POV*

"AMP!" Was all I heard before the nice women stopped petting me and froze.

"Amp, I told you to stay at that table while I went to the bathroom and I come back to find you not there." Daddy scolded as I felt ashamed for disobeying him.

"I'm sorry, Sir." I replied with my head hung low as a crawl back over to him.

"I'm sorry if he b-b-b--" Kristofer stuttered as he actually looked up to see the woman his pup was with. She's beautiful, Kristofer thought as the woman stood up.

"Don't be. Amp, I presume, is a very cute puppy and very friendly." The nice woman said to Daddy.

I barked happily while wagging my tail. "Well, it looks like Amp really likes you, ma'am. My name is Kristofer. What's yours?"

"My name is Meg. If you don't mind me asking, are you and Amp a couple?"

Meg, that's a nice name I thought as she said something else but I was too busy looking at her body to hear what she said.

"Amp, would you like to answer that question?" Daddy asked.

"I-I-I don't know, Sir." I stuttered, embarrassed that I didn't hear it.

"You don't know what, Amp?" Daddy asked, knowing that I didn't hear the question and that I need to confess that I didn't hear it.

"I don't know the question, Sir. I wasn't paying attention, I guess." Kristofer looked at me and nodded. "I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't hear your question. Could you please repeat it for me?" Kristofer smiled at my manners and so did Meg.

"Of course, I asked if you and Kristofer are a couple."

"Oh, kinda, I mean he is my Daddy and I am his pup but we don't consider our relationship as boyfriends."

"Oh, okay. Thanks for sharing. I don't mean to intrude on you two I was just curious. This is my first time at a kink bar and I'm super confused on everything. I don't even know why I'm here to be honest. I just felt like I should have come her today and I did but I have no idea what kink is annnddd....I'm rambling again. I'm so sorry. I was just leaving. Sorry to have bothered you two. Bye!" Meg was nervous and I could tell by the way she spoke and how scared she looked.

"No, please, don't go!" I blurted out. What is wrong with me?!?

*Meg's POV*

What am I doing? I just made a total fool of myself in front of this two guys I just met. I said goodbye and turned to leave when Amp shouted, "No, please, don't go!"

I quickly turned around and stared at him in shock. Kristofer looked at him shocked too, Amp never acts this way. "Why? I was leaving anyway, even before I made a total fool of myself."

"No, stay. You didn't make a fool of yourself. I want to teach you. Please stay, ma'am." Amp begged.

I looked at Kristofer confused. "Amp, let her leave if she wants to." Kristofer told Amp. He turned to me, "I'm sorry for his behavior. He never acts like this, I don't know what came over him."

"Yes, Sir. But ma'am please let me give you my phone number. I really do want to stay in contact with you." Amp pleaded, giving me puppy dog eyes.

"It's okay, Amp, I will stay a little bit longer, okay?" He nodded and wagged his tail. "If it's okay with Kristofer. I don't want to cross any boundaries."

Kristofer nodded, "It's alright with me, but, Amp, I want you on your best behavior. No more out burst like that or begging, understood?"

"Yes, Sir, I promise I will be on my bestest behavior! Daddy?"

"Yes, pup?"

"May I please walk on two legs with ma'am?"

"Yes you may, pup, thank you for asking. Now, I will be over there with some friends if you need me, okay?" Kristofer said pointing to a table full of men dressed in leather.

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir." Amp smiled as he stood up and grabbed my hand and led my to an empty table.

"So, ma'am, how old are you?" Amp asked nervously.

"Okay, hang on, time-out." I said jokingly.

Amp looked scared, "Did I do something wrong, ma'am? I'm sorry."

"There it is again, Amp, I told you my name, why aren't you using it?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry ma- I mean Meg."

"Good, now, back to your question. I am 18 years old. How old are you?"

When I said how old I was Amp looked shocked, "I-I-I-I'm 26 years old." He said looking down at the floor.

Once we introduced ourselves to each other we talked or he talked about kink and taught me a lot about it. I gave him my number and he gave my his. He promised he would text soon and that we should meet for lunch or something. I smiled at that and gave him a hug before we parted ways. Maybe it was a good idea to come to the kink bar tonight.

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