Chapter 5

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Tyler sat at a table anxiously waiting for Meg to arrive. He looked down at his phone to check the time when he heard the Starbucks' door open. Tyler quickly looked up to see Meg walking through the door and right towards him. Standing up nervously to greet her he said, "Hi, Meg, it's good to see you."

"Good to see you too, Amp! Shall we get a drink before we talk?"

"Of course!" Tyler agreed before leading them over to the counter where he paid for their drinks. Once they received their drinks they both sat down at a table in the corner. "How have you been?" Tyler asked nervously.

Meg could see the nervousness in Tyler but couldn't understand why he was nervous but she was nervous as well so they both probably looked nervous. "I've been good, Amp." Once she said "Amp" Meg noticed Tyler looked uncomfortable. "I've been looking into some jobs around here and just trying to settle in. What about you?"

"That sounds nice. I've been working a lot, nothing too exciting." Tyler said looking down at his drink.

"Amp?" Meg questioned.

"Please...please don't call me that, Meg." Tyler said blushing and looking like he was going to faint.

"Call you what?" Meg asked totally confused.

"Amp, please don't call me Amp."

"Why not? Isn't that your name?"

"Yeah, kinda... it's my puppy name. When I'm in pup-space I'm Amp, but when I'm human and just myself my real name is Tyler."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought your name was Amp. Thank you for telling me. So, Tyler, do you want to tell me why you really wanted to meet? Or are you going to act all shy the entire time?"

Tyler looked up from the table and met Meg's eyes but quickly looked back down. "Was it really that obvious?"

"Yes, it was. So, please, tell me." Meg asked sounding more caring.

"Do you like Puppy Play? From what I told you would you ever want to do it?" Tyler said still looking down.

"From what you've said and from what I've found, yes, yes, I would. Why?" Meg asked confused.

"What role would you want? Puppy or owner?" Catching on to what Tyler was asking, Meg said puppy. Only to see Tyler's reaction. "Oh, okay." Tyler said sounding disappointed.

"I'm kidding, I would totally be an owner. Now, is that why you wanted to talk, Tyler?"

"Maybe..." Tyler said embarrassed.

"But don't you already have an owner, Kristofer? Why would you want another one? Especially a newbie like me?"

"Please don't be mad. I talked to Kristofer he said he is willing to share me. And...and I can teach you things, it's okay that you're new." Tyler rambled.

"I don't have a clue as to how to take care of a human puppy let alone own one." Meg nervously said. Tyler looking disappointed, "But... if you're willing to teach and help me along I don't see why I couldn't share you with Kristofer. You are one cute puppy!" Meg said reaching across the table and scratching behind one of Tyler's ears.

"Really? Thank you so much! I can't wait! Are you busy today? We could go to Kristofer's house and he could show you the basics of pup handling." Tyler asked excitedly.

"I don't see why not. Let's go!"

And with that Meg and Tyler were on their way to Kristofer's house to learn the basics of handling a puppy.

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