Chapter 6

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While Tyler was driving to Kristofer's, he thought it'd be best to let him know how things went. When Kristofer saw Tyler calling him two things crossed his mind: I hope it went well and I hope she didn't make fun of him. "Hey, Tyler! How'd things go?"

"Hi, Daddy! Things went great! She said she is willing to try it, so we are on are way over to your place right now." Tyler said excitedly.

"That's great, pup! I can't wait to show her all about taking care of you and PUNISHING you." Kristofer said smirking at the end.

"Okay, Daddy, we are pulling in right now. Bye!" When Tyler heard that Kristofer was going to tell Meg about punishments he got shivers down his back. He really hoped that Meg would be nice and not punish him a lot.

Meg got out of her car and walked to Tyler's car in front of her and knocked on the window startling him, "Hey, are you going to get out or not?" She said jokingly.

Tyler opened the door and quickly got out and then led Meg to the front door. He knocked and within seconds Kristofer was standing there smiling. "Hey, come on in!"

After discussing the basics of puppy play, Kristofer suggested it was time to see Amp.

"Haven't I already seen Amp? At the bar?" Meg asked confused.

"No, not really, ma'am. Sure I was dressed like him but I wasn't in the headspace of him." Tyler tried to explain.

"Oh, okay then, I would love to meet Amp. Also, it's Meg, there's no reason for you to keep calling me 'ma'am' all the time." Meg insisted.

"Yes, Meg, whatever you would like." Tyler looked nervously at Kristofer and then Meg, "Would you like to help me get in my gear or would you rather just wait?"

"I mine as well help you if I'm going to have to help you in the future when Kristofer isn't here." Meg said standing up.

"Calling you that is his way of asserting your dominance over him and acknowledging the fact that he is below you." Kristofer informed Meg as he also got up. Kristofer smiled at her answer, he really thought she would make a great owner to Amp and any other pup. "Alright then let's go into the room and get you gear."

Tyler got up and followed Kristofer and Meg to the "special" room for when he comes over to play with Daddy. Once in the room Meg looked around shocked. She looked at all the whips, riding crops, collars, chains, ropes, floggers, paddles, and things she didn't know the names of. "Wow, I've never seen all of this in one room before, let alone in a room I'm in."

Tyler looked at her scared the room was too much for her, "Don't worry, we don't use all that. Well, at least I don't. Mr. Kristofer has a PIG he trains who uses those. I am not into impact play so I don't like being hit really hard." Kristofer looked at Tyler and then some of the toys, "But... when I'm a bad puppy Mr. Kristofer may use the riding crop, cane, or paddle on me because I can handle that pain."

Meg looked a little shocked at everything but slowly began to understand and not be so terrified of what's happening. "Okay, I don't know if I feel fully comfortable with hitting you but I may over time."

"It takes awhile to get over the fear of thinking you are hurting them, but once you get over that it isn't bad. Now, let's get your gear out, pup." Kristofer said while pulling out a large box labeled "Amp" out from under the bed. He then put it on the bed and opened it, Tyler immediately got a wave of excitement and jumped up onto the bed, already acting like a puppy. "Meg, come on over here, there's nothing too dangerous in the box." Meg came over to stand next to Kristofer while Tyler sat on is haunches waiting patiently.

"What's this?" Meg asked pulling out a tail with a buttplug at the end.

Tyler looked at it and hid his face with his hands, "That would be my insertable puppy tail, ma'am."

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